Historical Calendar May 01
1886 - Eighth-day rallies are held throughout the United States, culminating in the Haymarket affair in Chicago, in commemoration of...
Me Teper1886 - Eighth-day rallies are held throughout the United States, culminating in the Haymarket affair in Chicago, in commemoration of...
Me Teper1937 - Frank Whittle tests the first engine of an aircraft created to deliver a jet in Rugby, England. Whittle,...
Me Teper1872 - Born in Drenovo, Aleksandër Stavre Drenova, was a poet, publicist and activist of the Albanian colony of Bucharest...
Me Teper1919 - Emiliano Zapata dies at the age of 39 after an assassination attempt. Zapata was a leading figure in...
Me Teper1877 - Born in the city of Elbasan, Lef Nosi, signer of the Declaration of Independence of Albania, patriot, archivist,...
Me Teper1911 - Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discovers overlap. Superconductivity is the totality of physical properties observed in certain materials,...
Me Teper1906 - The Algeciras Conference gives France and Spain control of Morocco. The purpose of the conference was to find...
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