The macabre testimony: “The communists beheaded my uncle, Major Gjergj Vata and threw him into the abyss”
Dashnor Kaloçi story of the former assistant doctor Kel Vata, about the tragic story of his uncle, Gjergj Vata,...
Dashnor Kaloçi story of the former assistant doctor Kel Vata, about the tragic story of his uncle, Gjergj Vata,...
1910 - The premiere performance of Symphony no. 8 by Gustav Mahler in Munich with a choir of 852 singers...
Dashnor Kaloçi Part fifteen publishes some parts of the voluminous autobiographical book in manuscript "Beautiful land, ugly people" (memories...
Dashnor Kaloçi Rare and unknown photos of the famous Koliqi family originating from Shiroka of Shkodra are published, where...
1922 - The Treaty of Kars is ratified in Yerevan, Armenia. The Kars Treaty was a peace treaty that defined...
Dashnor Kaloçi Part fourteen publishes some parts of the voluminous autobiographical book in manuscript "Beautiful land, ugly people" (memories...
Dashnor Kaloçi Publishes the archival document dated June 5, 1945, where Enver Hoxha orders the execution of his former...
1898 - Empress Elisabeth of Austria is assassinated by Luigi Lucheni. Lucheni, was an Italian terrorist with anarchist convictions. His...
Dashnor Kaloçi publishes the archival document dated June 5, 1945, where Enver Hoxha orders the execution of his former...
Dashnor Kaloçi Part of thirteen publishes some parts of the voluminous autobiographical book in manuscript "Beautiful land, ugly people"...
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