Historical Calendar January 01
1920 - Shaban Demiraj, a well-known Albanian linguist, albanologist and academic, is born in Vlora. He was the president of...
1920 - Shaban Demiraj, a well-known Albanian linguist, albanologist and academic, is born in Vlora. He was the president of...
Dashnor Kaloçi The fourth part Memorie.al publishes the unknown story of the mass protests of the Romanian people at the...
1879 - Thomas Edison demonstrates the first incandescent flame to the public in Menlo Park, New Jersey. The first successful...
By Namik Mehmeti Memorie.al/ This photo from the 60's was taken in Rrëshen of Mirdita, when the team "Minatori" of...
Dashnor Kaloçi The third part Memorie.al/ publishes the unknown story of the mass protests of the Romanian people at the...
1916 - Russian priest and Tsar adviser Grigory Yefimovich Rasputin is assassinated by a group of officers led by Prince...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al publishes an unknown article in the French magazine "L'EUROPE CENTRALE" published in Paris in 1934, where the...
Dashnor Kaloçi Second part Memorie.al/ publishes the unknown story of the mass protests of the Romanian people at the end...
Memorie.al/publikon for the first time four rare photos from the funeral ceremony of the former Chairman of the State Planning...
1911 - Sun Yat Sen becomes interim President of the Republic of China. He officially takes office on January 1,...
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