Dashnor Kaloçi
The third part
Memorie.al publishes some unknown documents issued by the Central State Archive in Tirana (fund of the former Central Committee of the ALP), which belong to a voluminous file with the initials “Top secret”, where there is a correspondence between the leaders of the communist regime of that time, such as: Hysni Kapo, Mehmet Shehu, Ramiz Alia, Kadri Hazbiu, Hekuran Isai, etc., who through various reports and reports compiled by them, inform the leadership of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the ALP, regarding the difficult political and economic situation that our country was going through, before and after the breakdown of political, economic and military relations with the People’s Republic of China. Full correspondence between the main leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Directorate of State Security, the Ministry of People’s Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Party and Executive Committees of the districts, as well as the Branches of Internal Affairs in the cities of for positive and negative conversations and comments made by different people, such as intellectuals, workers, the military and the cooperative peasantry, as well as by “declassed elements and enemies”, regarding the situation in which the country was after the breakdown of relations official of Albania, with the People’s Republic of China and whatever happened after that with the small communist country of the Balkans, which propagated that ‘it would build socialism, only with its own forces’ ?!
In the beginning of 1978, as a result of the deterioration of the official relations of communist Albania with the People’s Republic of China, which had started to take its first rift since the beginning of the ’70s when Mao Zedong’s People’s China with sides of the “ping-pong policy” began to approach the US and received in Beijing Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and then President Nixon, it seems that official Tirana “set the alarm”. Among other things, this is clear from a large number of official documents of that time, which contain the “Top Secret” correspondence of the Central Committee of the ALP, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as and Party and Executive Committees in the districts and Branches of Internal Affairs, which clearly reflect not only the official position of the senior leadership of the ALP headed by Enver Hoxha, but in general that of the various strata of society Albanians, (intellectuals, workers, cooperative peasantry, military, schoolchildren and students, communists, “declassed elements and enemies”, etc.), to the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government, regarding the immediate severance of political relations, economic, and military by it on July 28, 1978.
Thus, the former closest ally of official Tirana since the early 1960s, Mao Zedong’s communist China, would suddenly become its biggest ideological enemy, after the US and the Soviet Union. This is clear in the lines of these documents that bear the logo “Top secret”, where there is great fear and deep paranoia that has gripped the communist regime and the highest leaders of its leadership, from: Enver Hoxha, Hysni Kapo, Mehmet Shehu, Ramiz Alia, Kadri Hazbiu, Hekuran Isai, etc., and down to the base of that power with local government officials, who transmitted that anxiety and insecurity, to ordinary people, school students, workers, and up to the cooperative peasantry.
These documents, which for the first time see the light of publication by Memorie.al, are a clear picture of the situation and the honorable situation in which the communist regime and official Tirana were at that time, especially after the “Open Letter” to the Chinese leadership. , who accused him of “high treason against the course and line of Marxism-Leninism.” In the context of the development of events, where the top leadership of the communist regime, all raised in alarm, has mobilized all state machinery and its structures, headed by the State Security, to keep the situation under full control. And mainly by surveying her political opponents, whom she considered as “declassed elements and class enemies”, which occupies a key place in these reports-information, where the State Security bodies, through the Minister of Internal Affairs , Kadri Hazbiu and his deputies, such as Feçor Shehu, Rexhep Kolli, etc., inform in detail the senior leadership, mainly Hysni Kapon, (member of the Politburo and secretary of the Central Committee of the ALP, which covered the organs of the ‘Dictatorship of proletariat ‘) for everything that the “enemy of the class” spoke and commented on, in every district of the country, as well as the positive comments made by them.
This and others, look best in these archival documents with the initials “Top secret”, where the former “Chinese brothers”, who at that time worked in Albania, as staff and specialists in various industrial works from the South to the North of the country, such as: Metallurgical Plant in Elbasan, Ferro-chrome Plant in Burrel, Paper Factory in Lezha, Pashaliman Military Base, Tank and Artillery Plant in Shish-Tufina, Combat Ammunition Plant in Elbasan Doctors, Weapons Production Plant in Poliçan, etc., have already become “agents, saboteurs and conspirators” and are intercepted everywhere and at every step. The equipment, armaments and all military technology, starting from tanks, planes, submarines, torpedoes, heavy artillery, etc., with which the People’s Republic of China had supplied communist Albania for free for years, now resulted in “serious defects” and sabotaged by “Chinese revisionists”.
Such a thing, the “synoptic picture” that the communist regime was going through before and after the breakup with China, was identical, had been seen several times over the years, when official Tirana, led by Enver Hoxha, decided to sever relations with states that until the last moment had its closest “allies”, such as the Anglo-Americans, Tito’s Yugoslavia and Stalin’s Soviet Union and those who followed him, such as Khurshov, Brezhnev, etc.
The series of “friends-enemies” began with the Anglo-American missions, who until they were expelled from the country in November 1946, were “liberators and true contributors to the Anti-Fascist National Liberation War”, and then returned to countries and states most hated and unwanted for the Albanian communists. The same would happen to the Yugoslavs, who when deported from Albania in 1948-49 were considered “revisionists and agents of the West”. To continue with the “Soviet brothers of father Stalin”, the closest ally of communist Albania who after 1961, were considered by official Tirana, as “the most dangerous revisionists the world had known until then.” And this thing would be repeated identically with the Chinese, which was officially made public, that hot end-July of 1978, when after the “Open Letter” of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the ALP and the Council of To the Ministers of the People’s Republic of Albania, sent to the Chinese government and the Communist Party of China, China withdrew from Albania all its specialists, civil and military?!
Continued from the previous issue
Report-information of the first secretary of the Party Committee of Vlora district, Gaqo Nesho, sent to the secretary of the Central Committee of the ALP, Hekuran Isai
No. 1234
Vlora, on 15/7/1978
Subject: On the comments and basic slogans according to their evaluation and direction we can group:
B)… .Declassed element;
“……… The work of these will be found out later, because they were left alone, at first they were connected with the Soviet Union and later with China, but China also gave them wood and left them alone. Nobody loves this system… ”
“………… ..In this situation the great events that are happening in our country, the regime in power stands on its feet and in full readiness, waiting for how the people will react and they pay more attention to us, therefore in in this situation, the head should be lowered, even the newspaper articles should not be commented…. ”.
C)… . Rich elements;
“Now ..These now that they broke up with China are left alone and have no outside help, here in our country there are no other groups operating and one day they will disappear, no matter how much they shout that we are gods, they will definitely join another country… ”.
- In terms of economic situation
“Here it is a disaster to break relations with China, because Albania will be greatly weakened economically. This system took us by the neck, killed us in hard work. They are removing our categories and reducing our salaries. All this they do, falls at the expense of the worker. When they said that they provided the bread in the country, Radio Roma said that Albania really provided the bread, but it still wants 150,000 tons, meaning that the Albanian leadership is lying.
“………. The work for herding cattle will take us by the neck, will leave us without a drink of butter… ..”
- In the direction of Art and Culture;
………… Poetry should be apolitical, good and modernist. The writer should not be rigid by the principles of socialist realism. In addition to our films that are shown to us, there should also be modern foreign films, not keeping the content in the foreground. Had Todi Lubonja not been convicted, art and literature in our country would have followed the modernist path.
There are such slogans and comments in the direction of the Party line, popular power, popular power and the revolutionary measures taken by the Party, such as;
“Politics does not trust.” They have been living with lies for 30 years and the end of these is near, but we have to change.”
These comments and slogans that were received from the Department of Internal Affairs were developed among the enemy elements and 185 people were activated in this activity. Of these 34 in 2 / A, 14 in PP, 29 in operational control 2 / B, 71 in contingent and 37 out of contingents. 84 of them live in the city and 101 in the countryside. The most prominent were in the city, in the area of Himara, Dukat, Selenica, Fterrë, Kota, etc.
Sources of agitation and propaganda have served foreign radio and television shows, letters and telephone conversations. During this quarter, 50 letters were banned, out of which 26 were incoming and 24 were outgoing, of which 9 with political content and 5 with economic content.
We have taken a number of measures in cooperation with the Department of Internal Affairs; arrested 7 people, advised 15 people and we have built and strengthened the ideo-political work with the measures.
Gaqo Nesho
Report-information of the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and the Director of State Security, Feçor Shehu, sent to Ramiz Alia, for the comments made in Burrel prison
FIRST DIRECTORY No. 3457 prot.
Tirana, on 25. 7. 1978
Subject: On hostile comments made about China
Regarding the announcement of the Albanian Telegraphic Agency for the cutting of Chinese military and civilian aid and the withdrawal of their specialists from our country, in addition to the strong punishment found in the working masses this brutal, imperialist and traitorous attitude of the Communist Party and the Chinese government, the growing solidarity of the people around the straight line of the ALP, the enemy element of various hostile categories has developed these comments, the most important of which are:
- The anti-party element, opposing the straight political line of our Party in defense of Marxism-Leninism and in the war against the new Chinese revisionist variant, comments: “The foreign policy pursued by our leadership does not correspond to the stage of development, nor in the interest of the working masses.
- Speaking about this problem, the convict Fadil Paçrami says: “… We have a change in strategy and especially in tactics, conditioned by the situation in recent years and the breakdown with China, which require the elaboration of a new line… “In foreign relations with China, the situation forces us to seek and find new allies, and in relations with these countries, to be characterized by correctness and to come by expanding the circle of sympathetic friends, wherever they are.”
Shyqëri Këllezi, another anti-party element, comments: “We broke up with Yugoslavia, we broke up with the Soviet Union, now I also broke up with China, but where will their disputes go, what do they have with us, why do they not leave us comfortable”?!
While Muhamet Prodani, a link between the conspirators, says: “The situation is very serious and will become even worse, the chain around us will be tightened even more.”I find it difficult to determine how things will turn out, there are many unknowns, but the break with China, among other things, will bring great difficulties in the matter of defense.”
Others say: “It is interesting that when we broke up with the Soviet Union, there was an attempt to resolve the contradictions through negotiations, while the Chinese never agreed to talk to us about the disputes, the ban on aid and the withdrawal. Of specialists, did it all at once and in a disregardful way”.
Some anti-party elements commenting on the note of the Chinese government and its announcement worldwide by ATSH, comment: with China… ”.
Surely we will dedicate whole books and newspapers to the Chinese opposition, to let the world know that we are right. In this debate, we can be supported by some minorities of small parties and so-called Marxist-Leninist groups, while the other world does not have time to deal with the constant quarrels of hot-blooded and hasty Albanians “./ Memorie.al
Feçor Shehu
The next issue follows