Bardhok Biba, the murder that shocked Mirdita
"Bardhok Biba, the murder that terrorized Mirdita." Dedicated to the far-flung event of August 7, 1949, when after the assassination...
"Bardhok Biba, the murder that terrorized Mirdita." Dedicated to the far-flung event of August 7, 1949, when after the assassination...
Bomb of lies: a documentary about the tragic story of several youths in Has who were unjustly convicted by the...
"Bloody revolt of Qafe Bari prison in May 1984", a documentary with rare evidence of the protagonists of the event...
"Enemies of the People", How was arrested the group of documentary "Polish agents": dedicated to the event of the distant... publishes the documentary with very interesting testimonies in front of the cameras of: Muharrem Protoduari, Ushtar Çobo, Agron Hazizi...
A Documentary Dedicated to the 1975-'77 Distant Event, when Communist dictator Enver Hoxha launched a crackdown on the so-called "sabotage...
The documentary "Demons of Gina" tells the story of a very unknown character, Shpetim Gina, a journalist, playwright, screenwriter and... brings the documentary "The mystery of Baldushk cows" photos and rare materials from the unknown story of the event...
The documentary The Spaçi Revolt is dedicated to the far-off 1973 event, when political prisoners serving a sentence in the... brings the documentary THE CAVE OF LIBERTY The unknown story of Colonel Haxhi Hajdar Mani, former commander of the...
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