Historical Calendar 12 November
1930 - Born in Gjakova Besim Bokshi, linguist, professor and academic. He was a member of the commission for conclusions...
1930 - Born in Gjakova Besim Bokshi, linguist, professor and academic. He was a member of the commission for conclusions...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al publishes an archival document with the initials "Top secret" extracted from the archives of the former State...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al publishes some archival documents extracted from a voluminous file of the early '50s where the Minister of...
1918 - Austro-Hungarian Emperor Charles I abdicate. After his uncle Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated in 1914, Charles...
Dashnor Kaloçi Second part Memorie.al/publikon the unknown story...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al publishes the top secret report of 1953, where the Minister of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant General Mehmet Shehu,...
Dashnor Kaloçi The first part Memorie.al/publikon the...
1928 - World-famous composer Ennio Morricone is born in Rome. Morricone, is a composer, orchestrator, and, conductor, writing in a...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al/publikon some unknown archival documents extracted from the Central State Archive in Tirana, which talk about a correspondence...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al the unknown testimonies of Father Jak Gardin, the Italian clergyman who came to Albania in the 1930s...
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