Dashnor Kaloçi
Second part
Memorie.al publishes some archival documents extracted from the Central State Archive in Tirana, (the fund of the former Central Committee of the ALP), which belong to the year 1975, where the Albanian ambassador in Beijing, Behar Shtylla, through a the report-information sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tirana, the Ministry of Trade and for notification to the Foreign sector at the apparatus of the Central Committee of the PPSh, informed about the meeting held at the commercial representation in Beijing, regarding the analysis made at the Ministry of Foreign Trade in Tirana in August 1975. The full report-information of Ambassador Behar Shtylla, related to the discussions held at the meeting of the Albanian commercial representation in Beijing, held on October 27 and 28 in 1975, where, in addition to Ambassador Shtylla, Musin Kroi and Abdulla Dautaj also participated, as the Deputy Secretary of the Basic Party Organization. Among the many discussants in that meeting, Hysni Hoxha, Ilia Pulluqi, Liri Pulluqi, Skënder Tholõmi, Sotir Doraci, Reshit Kërtusha took the floor, who criticized and threw accusations at several ministers such as: Koço Theodhosi, Kiço Ngjela and Vasil Kati, and also towards some cadres and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, such as Andrea Manço, Sami Muhameti, etc., considering their work and activity as hostile, which had brought great damage to the Party and the people.
Continues from last issue
The document with the report-information drawn up by the Albanian ambassador in Beijing, Behar Shtylla, sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tirana, the Ministry of Trade and for notification to the Foreign sector at the apparatus of the Central Committee of the PPSh, regarding the meeting held in commercial representation in Beijing
Comrade Marko Xega
For notification to the Central Committee of the ALP
Foreign Sector
Attached we send you information on the meeting of the Trade Representation in Beijing, regarding the analysis of Foreign Trade that was made in August 1975 at the Ministry of Trade in Tirana.
Behar Stylla
On the collection of the analysis of the Commercial Representation in Beijing.
The meeting took place on October 27-28, 1975, under the spirit of the decisions of the 7th Plenum of the K.Q., and on the analysis of Foreign Trade in Tirana on August 27-28, 1975.
All the employees of the commercial representation sh. Behar Shtylla, sh. Musin Kroi, and the Deputy Secretary of the Basic Party Organization, sh. Abdulla Dautaj.
- Tefta Pulluqi
He said that he stands in solidarity with the proposal for the measures taken against Kiço Ngjela and Vasil Kati. He found that here in China, Kiço Ngjela did not react to the arrogant behavior of Andrea Manço and Sami Muhameti. She brought the occasion of the analysis meeting of the representative office in Beijing in 1972, during which there was also a commercial delegation where they also participated.
Industrial-impexi cannot find a market to sell the garments for 1976, and on the other hand, there are many unpaid obligations for the 1974 and 1975 contracts with China. He can accomplish these during 1976. Another task is to take over the sector left by Liri Lika. He promises to work to repair the damage the enemy did, and liquidate him as soon as possible.
- Reshit Kertusha
He said that he agrees with the proposed measure against Kiço Njjela and Vasil Kati. I bring a case when Andrea Manço, tried his best not to go to Yugoslavia, the engineer of the “Dinamo” Plant and Reshit Kërtusha, who would provide the spare parts for the Soviet “Gaz”, because he wanted to send those who served him .
When these two friends went to his office to tell him that they had been appointed by the Ministry of Trade to go to Yugoslavia, and asked for the relevant instructions, Andrea Manço contemptuously told them to go back where they came from. , after the Ministry of Trade, was a paper tiger.
It promises to increase efforts to acquire the sector, and to realize the backlog of spare parts contracts.
- Musin Kroi
He said that the conclusions of the meeting are of special importance for the commercial representation that the tasks do not end with a meeting, that the work in Foreign Trade has not gone well, since the Party’s influence there was weak.
Comrade Musin pointed out that the commercial agency has caught a lot of issues and made it a problem, and for this he was helped by Comrade Behar. It is good that these are arranged and notified to the Central Committee.
I think these will be worth K.Q. and the Government to see the hostile work of Kiço Njjela. We must delve as much as possible to find materials that prove the hostile activity of Kiço Njjela, Vasil Kati, and his friends to give to the Party, better late than never.
The issue of trade with Japan, and with Iran, has a political character as it has to do with breaking the blockade. Let’s see if we can get in touch with other Asian countries, such as Singapore.
- Behar Pillar
In the end, Comrade Behar took the floor and said that the meeting had a result as the comrades had a good discussion. He also emphasized that: hostile work in Foreign Trade is not separate from hostile work in Oil. Now the Party has taken measures and the work has been put on a straight line.
We must delve even further, he emphasized, since the hostile work of Kiço Njjela is both political and ideological. It is all a hostile united front, from Fadil Paçrami to Beqir Balluku, from Abdyl Këllezi to Kiço Ngjela.
Because things are not accidental, as, for example, Sami Muhameti, Kiço Njjela’s man, has also emerged as a person connected to Beqir Balluku. Lipe Nashi was related to Beqir Balluku, as well as to Abdyl Këllez, Koço Theodhos, and Kiço Njëla.
We must reflect on this situation that they have created. Even in relations with China, let’s look at the roots and go deeper. Comrade Theohar, informed the commercial representation on the development of the Foreign Trade analysis meeting in Tirana, as well as made self-criticism.
He has his responsibility as an old and experienced cadre that he is. From these mistakes, he learned lessons and during the meeting in Tirana, he himself found this out and did well to discuss it a second time. Neither one thinks of putting Theohar with these enemies.
We all feel responsible that, if we had seen things with a different eye, we would have helped the Party in time. In case we come up with other things, Theohari, but also all of us, should tell the Party.
We proposed measures for Kiço Ngjela and Vasil Kati at the meeting when we worked on the materials of the 7th Plenum. But with the material damage that Kiço Ngjela and Vasil Kati have done to the State and the Party, this matter will be looked into further and passed to the judicial bodies.
All friends have the situation well in hand. Everyone, in their own sector, but also one for all, and all for one. My friend Musin and I will also help with Trade. In relations with Chinese comrades, let us always be guided by our Party’s policy.
The non-implementation of contracts on time is related to the construction of socialism in both our countries. As a concrete task, to follow the completion of the year 1975 (export-import), as well as to do the study for our export. Let’s prepare and work energetically for 1976, where we are behind.
Speed up the start of working group talks with China’s Ministry of Foreign Trade. From Tirana, we ask him to fill in the required data, to send the specifications for those that have not been filled in, etc.
The 5-year agreement should be broken down and reflected in 1976. Let’s prepare now for the 1976 work plan. Memorie.al