By Lulzim Mjeku
Second part / In order to reflect the figure of Ceno bey Kryeziu, a review of the historical circumstances of the 20s of the last century is needed. President Zog appointed him Minister of Internal Affairs, after Ceno had helped him return to power. The opposition of that time accused King Zog of ordering the minister Ceno beg Kryeziu to organize the murders of Bajram Curri and Luigj Gurakuqi. According to Sejfi Vllamas, a political actor of the time, the relations between President Zog and Ceno bey Kryeziu, deteriorated even more. Official Tirana began to look at Ceno bey with suspicion, mainly as a man who pursued politics to the detriment of Albania’s interests. Ceno Bei was appointed ambassador of Albania in Belgrade, at a time when relations between Albania and Yugoslavia were strained due to the agreement that Albanian President Ahmet Zogu had made with Italy.
Continues from last issue
Two shots kill Cena Bey and his friendship with the South Slavs
“From there with his influence, he started working on the progress of his country. It was to his credit, to a certain extent, that the recent conflict between Albania and the King of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, due to the arrest of Gjurashkovic in Tirana, was resolved in a mild manner. Immediately after the resolution of this dispute, an ambassador was sent to Belgrade, while now he was appointed ambassador to Prague.
The current stay in Prague was not the first for Ceno bey. Already during the war, when he was interned by the Austrian army, he chose Prague as his place of residence, where he lived until the end of the war. Since then, he was a sincere friend of ours. When some time ago, the initiative was taken to open the diplomatic representation of Tirana to us, he requested that the leadership of the diplomatic mission in Prague be given to him, as well as in Belgrade. The political pretext was his desire to bring Albania closer to the “Little Entente”.
However, to a large extent, he has worked more on the economic rapprochement between the two countries. Knowing our potential well, he came up with practical and progressive ideas. He wanted to launch our products in his country, to build there with our help, a sugar factory and at the spring fair in Prague, to present the state exhibition of Albania and open the way for our exporters, up to the raw material, in his country, for which he was not only a good representative, but also a faithful worker. The construction of the power plant in Durrës, approved by the Czechoslovak entity, proves that the conditions for these economic relations would be good.
Not only the South Slavs, but also us, with this murder we have lost a friend. This magnifies our pain for this tragic event. The two shots that killed Cena Bey, in a way, also killed his friendship towards the South Slavs. He was convinced that, with his ideas, he contributes the best to the progress of his country. He has remained loyal to the idea that; The Balkans belongs to the peoples of the Balkans.
He stayed until the end of the friendship, in which he saw a guarantee for a future, calmer and happier for his country. He was a great gentleman, so as not to forget the friendship at that time, with which he tried to realize his plans for the independence of Albania”, concludes the text on the front page of the Czech newspaper “Narodni Listy” on October 16, 1927. On this day, this newspaper brings on page 5, another text of the news of the murder of Cena bey Kryeziu. With the title: “Details of the murder of Cena Bey”,
Ceno bei foresaw the murder and even revealed the name of the killer!
“Narodni Listy” says that the victim was waiting for the assassination. As it is known, the text of the newspaper begins, since a few days before the arrival of Ambassador Ceno Bey in Prague, he had warnings from some officials that an assassination attempt was being prepared against him. As it seems, the ambassador himself had certain premonitions about his fate, which explains his in-disposition, which was partly caused by malarial fever.
He openly expressed his fear to some close friends and it is said that he even told them the name of the killer, about whom he had information that he was sent after him. It was this completely different name, from the one with which the killer was legitimized, which can be concluded that; or the ambassador had wrong information, or someone else was sent, or that the killer had forged documents, to give the murder another direction.
That his fear was not unreasonable is also shown by some characteristics and circumstances, which were understood by the close circle of his friends in Prague. Ceno Bey has been sent as ambassador to Belgrade, but his wife, child and mother have been forced to stay in Tirana, as a result of which he cannot exercise his duties abroad. Thus, in a way, his family was a kind of hostage to prevent disagreements from arising, in the direction of the foreign policy of the Albanian government, when he hastily takes a stand in the case of the Albanian-Yugoslav conflict.
He resigns as ambassador of Albania in Belgrade and continues to live in Belgrade, as a businessman, to influence the further circumstances, which he thought were harmful to his country. From this it can be concluded that; under these circumstances, it was his great courage to return to Belgrade and, on the other hand, one cannot close one’s eyes to the fact that how great was the influence of his enemies.
“Narodni Listy”, continues with the emphasis on the path taken by the murderer. The attacker Alqiviadh Bebi, as written in his passport, left Rome, where he studied at the “Colegio di Monte Mario” gymnasium, with the intention of killing Ceno bey. Bebi initially went after Ceno bey to Belgrade, where he did not reach. On the way to Prague, Bebi stopped in Vienna, where he was placed in the ninth district. Immediately after arriving in Vienna, he was checked in detail by the Police, for foreigners. The documents were in order and he declares that the purpose of his coming to Vienna is to enroll in the high school.
But the next day he leaves for Prague. Here, Bebi settles in “Hotel Balkan”, in Smihov, Prague. From the first day, he starts looking for Ceno bey. According to witness accounts, he met with the ambassador several times, but the ambassador was always in company, so the killer did not have a favorable opportunity to shoot him dead. He tried to get an audience with the ambassador, at the residence in the “Passage Hotel”, but the ambassador refused. Thus, he killed the ambassador, in the wardrobe of the cafe, when the ambassador was left alone, without knowing anything.
During the interrogation at the police, the killer stated that he killed Ceno bey with premeditation; that he was in Elbasan during the summer, where he went from Rome, and that he comes from a poor family and that the small scholarship from the Albanian Government was not enough. He said that he thought for a long time about the state of his homeland and came to the conclusion that; Ceno Bey and the current Government are to blame and should remove him. Alqiviadh Bebi said that he obtained the revolver three years ago, after the death of his father, with the intention of killing himself. He is an avid reader and from the books he had read, he had gained pessimistic thoughts about life.
The Prague police have been warned that an assassination attempt is being prepared against the Albanian ambassador!
The young Albanian extremist killed Ceno bey, as his compatriot had done earlier, with Esat Pashai in Paris. The killer stated that Ceno wanted to sell Albania to Yugoslavia. The Albanian consul in Vienna, Saraçi, sent a statement, which should be studied, because it brings Ceno bey’s relationship with Zogu.
His statements seem to be suspicious, because he had no money for studies, while he had money for a long trip, in pursuit of Ceno bey, and that the Government, which he blamed, was close to him, in Tirana. The fact that the idea for this murder came to him at home, while he had provided the revolver for suicide, writes the newspaper “Narodni Listy”.
In this article, it is said that otherwise, the whole story about his pessimistic views on life and the philosophical books he had in his suitcases are very implausible. Will the investigations, with these data, be enough, as in the case of Daskallov?!
Before the decisive moment, Ceno Bey ordered the escorting detective to leave. The newspaper “Narodni Listy” continues the article, announcing the expressions of condolences. According to her, in all the buildings of foreign embassies in Prague, as a sign of condolence for the tragic murder of the Albanian ambassador, Ceno bey, the flags were flown at half-mast.
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Benesh, sent a heartfelt consoling speech to the Albanian government. The burial has not been decided yet, but the decisions of the ambassador’s brother, Gani bey, who is on his way to Prague, are awaited. The body of the murdered man will be handed over to the German Institute of Forensic Medicine tomorrow. The article has one of the last titles: “The Parisian press, for the murder of the Albanian ambassador”.
The Parisian press extensively comments on the murder of the Albanian ambassador in Prague!
In the “Journal des Debata” it is said that the murdered Ceno Bey, in the function of the Albanian ambassador in Belgrade, after Albania’s note to Yugoslavia, remained calm and denied the news about Yugoslavia’s military preparations, on the border with Albania. This was not welcome for Rome, which, after the reaction of Great Britain, has been forced to forget the whole issue.
Recently, it has been said that Mussolini put pressure on the Belgrade government to ratify the so-called “Nettun Agreement”, while the current assembly is less friendly than the previous one and in this case, it would lead to tensions the new one between Rome and Belgrade.
The French newspaper finds that what Ceno did was of mutual influence in Belgrade!
According to the French newspaper, the young Albanian extremist killed Ceno bey, just as his countryman had done earlier with Esat Pashai in the “Continental” hotel in Paris. The killer stated that Ceno wanted to sell Albania to Yugoslavia. The Paris prosecutor’s office acquitted Esat Pasha’s killer, will the same scandal happen in Prague, and asks the French newspaper “Journal des Debata”.
“Politika”, of Belgrade: all roads lead to Rome
The newspaper “Narodny Listy”, dated October 18, pays attention to the assassin of Ceno Bey, Alqiviadh Bebi. Under the title “Traces of the murder of Ceno bey”, the newspaper writes that; the killer of the Albanian ambassador was handed over to the court’s prison on Saturday. The investigations will be conducted very quickly, so that it can be handed over to the prosecutor as soon as possible. Speedy procedure will be important, as will the conviction of the crime. However, it will also depend a lot on the fact that the procedure is not limited only to ascertaining the murder and what the murderer has admitted.
The assassination of Ambassador Ceno Bey has aroused great interest even beyond the borders of the Czech Republic. The greatest attention to foreigners, according to the gendarmerie, will be intensified in court proceedings. We have explained earlier, immediately after the murder, on what basis the political race has flowed, the consequence of which is the murderous attack in Ceno Beun. The Albanian consul in Vienna, Saraçi, sent a statement, which should be studied because it brings Ceno bey’s relationship with Zogu.
On the other hand, also for his relations with the Albanian diaspora. The Albanian diaspora, spread across different countries in Europe, is politically oriented, in the same direction that the murdered Ceno Bey was oriented. From this it can be concluded that the assassination is not the result of Albanian immigration. The assassin himself was not an immigrant, but a scholarship holder of the Albanian government. Mr. himself Saraçi has hinted that the source of the murder should be sought in the circle of Albanians in Rome.
If it also prejudices the country from which the crime originates, it is not surprising, the comment of the Yugoslav press, published in the newspaper “Politika” of Belgrade, that in all these circumstances, all roads lead to Rome. It is now clear in what circumstances of international politics this act took place, which happened on Friday evening in a cafe in Prague. It cannot be forgotten that judicial investigations should be as deep and comprehensive as possible, developed in depth, up to the place of the source.
Today, when the international press also writes extensively about this murder, it would be pointless to hide and not mention it, which we highlighted on Sunday. The Prague police have been warned that an assassination attempt is being prepared on the Albanian ambassador. Ceno Bey was also accompanied by a detective, whom he ordered to leave before the decisive moment. It is a question marks that; will it be possible to prevent the murder in that place, even if the detective had not left?! It would be better to dwell on the personality of the killer.
Initially, he went after Ceno bey in Belgrade as well. From the Belgrade newspapers, we understand that without any doubt in his documents, however, at the station, his passport is taken from him. He was under police escort all the time and was forced to report to the Police. During his departure from Belgrade, the security agencies were alerted. In Vienna, upon arriving at the hotel, he was thoroughly searched by the Police.
However, here and in Prague, where he was also notified with an Albanian passport, he has been circulating for four days, without any control. Although it is considered that his documentation should arouse suspicion, it is surprising how the murderer, as a foreigner, is oriented in Prague, very well and how he knew all the time, where Ceno bey is and other details Similar.
What did the autopsy say?!
The autopsy of the corpse at the German Institute of Forensic Medicine found that the victim was shot with two bullets. One bullet had shot behind the head and penetrated the brain, while the other behind the back, had reached the stomach. The shape of the revolver, the trigger of which was difficult to lift, confirms the finding that the killer shot from close range. The killer was close, but he also offered the revolver too much. The ambassador’s body will be embalmed today. She will be dressed in a military uniform and will be placed in a closed bar, writes the “Narodny Listy” newspaper of Prague.
The other daily “České Slovo”, five days after the assassination of Ceno bey Kryeziu, on October 19, announces on its front page with the headline: “From the sensational background of the assassination, on Cena bey”. In Vienna, the sudden visit of the Albanian consul Saraçi to Prague has attracted great attention. The reason for his journey was the interview he gave to “Rano” magazine. In informed circles, it is asserted that the purpose of the consul’s journey was precisely this interview, while from the content of his interview; there are traces of the assassination of Ceno bey.
In the interview, something is said about the Albanian exile in Rome, which does not correspond to the basics of political logic. An immigrant is one who leaves the country, who does not agree with the existing regime of his country. Today in Albania, the Italophile regime reigns, so in emigration, it can only be those circles that oppose the regime. Meanwhile, immigration from friendly Yugoslavia would not increase in Ceno beu. If consul Saraçi claims that the assassination attempt in Ceno Beun originates from the Albanian emigration circles in Rome, it does not correspond to any fact, which means that he wants to hide something with this. It is indicative why he insists so much on the publication of his opinions.
It is said that Mr. Saraçi himself went to the editor of the magazine “Rano” to give the interview. There is also the saying that; the assassin in Cena ben, the student Bebi, during the passage to Vienna, visited Saraçi. On top of all this, the influence of Saraçi in Bari, where he was consul, is also known, as well as in the circumstances of extraordinary events. Taking into account all these circumstances, for the background of the assassination, it is considered that the task of the Prague police is very difficult.
The biggest surprise is that the Prague Police, as well as the Vienna Police, have been warned that the assassination of Ceno bey is being prepared and where and who can carry it out. The police did not take sufficient measures at the border or to check against people like Bebi. There is great interest here in the results of the investigations and everything is being followed in detail. International circles expect exemplary punishment for the murderer”, concludes the article on the front page of the newspaper “Ceské Slovo”.
On October 21, “České Slovo”, in addition to publishing the article, also brings the photo of the body of Ceno bey, embalmed in the coffin. The corpse of the murdered Albanian ambassador is displayed in the glass coffin, in the reception hall at the “Wudrow Wilson” station. Yesterday morning, it was opened for the representatives of diplomatic offices and circles, to pay their last respects, while their number was large.
They signed the mourning book. At 11 o’clock, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Benesh, with some officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to give the last respects to the Albanian ambassador, who was tragically killed, on behalf of the government and on his own behalf?
Minister Benesh signed the book of condolences and placed a wreath on the coffin of the Albanian ambassador, Ceno bey. Among others, the diplomatic delegation from Belgrade, the Albanian embassy in Prague and many of his friends laid wreaths.
Belgrade newspaper “Politika”, about the killer of Cena bey
“Politika”, of Belgrade, announces on October 20, that the killer of Ceno bey, Alqiviadh Bebi, after a long hearing, has admitted that he killed the Albanian ambassador, with the instruction of the Italian professor Baldacci, who has drawn attention that, Ceno Bey is a traitor, because he is betraying Albania to Yugoslavia. For this, he stated that he is ready to give Baby, for this purpose available, a large sum of money.
Before his departure from Rome to Elbasan, Bebi waited in vain for the promised money, so he eventually made his way to the top on his own and at his own expense. Regarding the personality of Professor Baldacci, Belgrade’s “Politika” says that he is a sworn enemy of Yugoslavia and that in 1918, he represented Italy in Montenegro and since then, he has tried to cause a separatist uprising among the Montenegrins. .
Some time ago, Baldacci sent letters to some Montenegrins living in exile, calling them to war, for the independence of Montenegro. Baldacci also operated in Albania, where he distributed Italian propaganda and organized various interventions in Yugoslav territory.
On the other hand, the former Albanian Prime Minister, Fan Noli, declares on behalf of the organization “For an Independent Albania” that the threads of the assassination attempt in Prague lead to Tirana, or to Rome, or to both, in whose interest it was liquidate Cena bey, who supported Yugoslavia, concludes the daily newspaper “České Slovo” dated October 21.