Historical Calendar 24 November
1943 - USS Liscome Bay, a US aircraft carrier, is torpedoed by a Japanese submarine in Tarawa Bay during World...
Me Teper1943 - USS Liscome Bay, a US aircraft carrier, is torpedoed by a Japanese submarine in Tarawa Bay during World...
Me Teper1934 – Një Komisioni kufitar anglo-etiopian në Ogaden, zbulon një garnizon italian në Walwal, i cili, kishte hyrë brenda territorit...
Me Teper1943 - A conference is held in Cairo, Egypt, where US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill...
Me Teper1916 - Franz Joseph I die in Vienna at the age of 86. Franz Joseph, was Emperor of Austria, King...
Me Teper1910 - Leon Tolstoy dies at the age of 82 in Atsapovo. Tolstoy, was a Russian writer considered one of...
Me Teper1916 - Samuel Goldwyn and Edgar Selwyn form Goldwyn Pictures. Goldwyn Pictures Corporation was an American motion picture production company...
Me Teper1903 - The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty is signed between the United States and Panama, giving the United States exclusive rights over...
Me Teper1944 - Tirana, the capital of Albania, was liberated. On the morning of November 17, 1944, after 19 days and...
Me Teper1872 - The first Metropolitan Police strike ever takes place in Great Britain. The Metropolitan Police strike was a refusal...
Me Teper1920 - The creation of the "Free City of Danzig" is announced. Later known as Gdansk in Poland, this city,...
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