Black list of Enver Hoxha
Dashnor Kaloçi publishes a list of 100 names of prominent personalities, as founders of the Communist Party of Albania...
Me TeperDashnor Kaloçi publishes a list of 100 names of prominent personalities, as founders of the Communist Party of Albania...
Me TeperDashnor Kaloçi publishes a list of 100 names of prominent personalities, as founders of the Communist Party of Albania...
Me TeperDashnor Kaloçi publishes a list of 100 names of prominent personalities, as founders of the Communist Party of Albania...
Me publishes a full letter from former Defense Minister Beqir Balluku to Enver Hoxha, dated September 18, 1974, sent by...
Me TeperDashnor Kaloçi publishes a full letter from former Defense Minister Beqir Balluku to Enver Hoxha, dated September 18, 1974,...
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