The mystery of Baldushku cows brings the documentary "The mystery of Baldushk cows" photos and rare materials from the unknown story of the event...
Me brings the documentary "The mystery of Baldushk cows" photos and rare materials from the unknown story of the event...
Me TeperThe documentary The Spaçi Revolt is dedicated to the far-off 1973 event, when political prisoners serving a sentence in the...
Me brings the documentary THE CAVE OF LIBERTY The unknown story of Colonel Haxhi Hajdar Mani, former commander of the...
Me TeperA documentary about the figure and name of Elez Isufi, which became known especially after 1917, when, together with an...
Me TeperThis is a documentary about the life and career of former talented athlete and 80s Albanian weightlifting legend Alexander Kondo,...
Me TeperPublikimi ose shpërndarja e përmbajtjes së artikujve nga burime të tjera është e ndaluar reptësisht pa pëlqimin paraprak me shkrim nga Portali MEMORIE. Për të marrë dhe publikuar materialet e Portalit MEMORIE, dërgoni kërkesën tuaj tek [email protected]
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