By Bedri Blloshmi In this article I am publishing the document of the Supreme Military Court for the hanging on the rope of the nationalist and patriot Nezir Mehmet Muzhaqi, who was the commander of the nationalist armed forces of the National Front for the prefecture of Elbasan. Neziri was only 26 years old, where by the direct order of the communist dictator Enver Hoxha, he was sentenced to death and executed by hanging on a rope at the Bezistan maple tree in the city of Elbasan, in 1946. His last words were: “Long lives Albania”. !
Partisan communist and nationalist forces of the National Front made an agreement to coordinate their fights against the common enemy. On April 18, 1943, for this purpose, representatives from both sides held a joint meeting in the sopa of Bërseshta, where Tuk Jakova, Kadri Hoxha, Luto Leka, etc. participated from the partisan forces. While as representatives of the National Front, they were represented by Haki Blloshmi, Nezir Muzhaqi, Hasan Bej Velçani, etc.
This agreement with the communists turned into a civil war and on March 7, 1944, the squad commander, Haki Blloshmi, along with his brother and three other men from the Blloshmi family were treacherously killed by the communist terrorists. There in that massacre, 37 nationalist men were killed.
While later, when the communists invaded Albania, at the beginning of 1945, they started terrorizing the remaining nationalists. Here is a fact about how the communists punished their political opponents. In this regard, I am publishing here the archival document with the decision on the death sentence (shooting) of the commander of the National Front, who held the rank of major, Nezir Muzhaq.
No. of Decision 200
P R O C E S – V E R B A L
The Supreme Military Court was formed by:
N/Colonel Gaqo Floq, Chairman
Major Frederik Nosi, Antar
First Captain Veledin Zejneli, Antar
In the presence of the Prosecutor at this Court, Major Myftar Tares and with the assistance of the Secretary, Aspirant Thoma Rinos, today on 26/VII/1945, took into consideration the acts of the criminal suit against the convict NEZIR MEHMET MUZHAQI, the son of Mehmet and Hatixhes, 26 years old, born and resident in Polis village, who in the judgment act No. 79 dated June 20, 1945 of the Military Judicial Council at the Elbasan District Command, was sentenced to DEATH and the confiscation of his movable and immovable property playable based on articles 14, 15 and 18 of the law no. 41 dated January 14, 1945, on the organization and functioning of the Military Courts, after he was described as a war criminal and enemy of the people.
After examining the minutes kept by the Investigative Commission for the discovery of war crimes and enemies of the people;
After studying the depositions of the witnesses and the injured parties that they gave both to the investigator and before the Court of Fact;
After examining the minutes of evidence on the outcome of the Trial before the Court of Fact as well as all the documents and statements that are in the file;
After receiving the opinion of her Prosecutor, who requests the approval of the above judgment as appropriate and based on the law;
After studying the case from the point of view of fact and law:
NEZIR MEHMET MUZHAQI, former one of the inspirers and organizers of the traitorous organization of the National Front, through propaganda and agitation, has tried to introduce the population of different neighborhoods of his region into the mercenary ranks of the Front and remove them from the National Liberation Movement. , throwing them into war against her.
As a personality and exponent of Ball, he became a mercenary commander, and had 250-300 people under his command, being at the same time proposed to hold the rank of Major; He participated in many battles against the forces of the movement in cooperation with the Nazi army and in these cases he provoked theft, robbery, looting and burning in different areas, terrifying the population with the terrorist acts he did.
He is the provocateur of the murder of 5 Partisans of the 1st Brigade in Cermenika. In June 1944, he killed with his own hand, Alush Agon together with his two sons, Asllan and Gjysh, from Velç – Mokre village; He also killed in Librazhd, Butcher Tushi Koci Ambon, from Pogradeci.
He killed four other people by executing two people with his own hand and two, his Gjindarmi that he had with him, for the sole reason that, I am convinced that these were people of the Movement.
He waited for a Battalion of the III Brigade on December 12, 1943, when this Battalion was thrown in Polis, and in the battles that took place between the forces of the Movement and ballistic mercenaries, who were commanded by him and who had occupied favorable positions; this fight, which lasted for 18 consecutive hours, resulted in the killing of 39 people by the forces of the Movement, and 38 people were captured and surrendered to the Germans.
In May 1944, together with the criminals Shefki Kreka from Goliku i Mokrë, Xhevdet Blloshmin from Bërzeshta, Aziz Biçakun from Letmi, Adem Velçanin from Velçani i Mokrë and Haki Sadiku from Trebinja, he participated in the operation that was carried out in Katunde different groups, going to the town of Llenga, killed about 30 men, all parents and brothers of Partisans and members and sympathizers of the Movement, and among them the father of Partisan, Dhimitri Marko, named Marko Pleshishti.
He made various checks and arrests in the city of Elbasan and handed over to the Germans many people he arrested as members or sympathizers of the Movement, who were interned in various areas of concentration.
In a word, he has committed many criminal acts against the population and the members of the Movement, he has constantly fought against the National Liberation Army, he has tried to deceive the population of the villages in order to remove them from the Movement and throw them into the traitorous ranks of Ball, serving so willingly and knowingly to the Nazi oppressors and occupiers.
The crimes and criminal acts committed have been fully and convincingly proven by the investigative procedure developed by the Investigative Commission for the detection of war criminals and enemies of the people; from the depositions of witnesses and complainants Koçi Ambos, Kristaq Koçi Ambos, Neki Alush Agos, Nezir Qemal Qyrkut, Bajram Myslimit, Sefer Mahmutit, Demir Lekës, Isuf Vaskut, Jonuz Bishtogut, Veli Gjymengës, Dyle Elezit, Shahin Vlashit, Osman Allës and many others others; from the complaints, the statements and acts-accusations that occurred in the file and that are and that were presented by the injured parties; from the outcome of the trial before the Court of Fact and from the partial affirmations made by him.
The judgment of the Court of the fact is confirmed in the relevant legal provisions; also, the punishment determined against the convicted person is also appropriate in proportion to the crimes and criminal acts committed by him.
The Supreme Court based on Article 31 of Law No. 41 dated January 14, 1945 (four words of Law No. 41) on the organization and functioning of Military Courts, accepting the opinion expressed by the Prosecutor.
Approval of judgment No. 79 Dated. June 20, 1945 of the Military Judicial Council at the Elbasan District Command, which imposed the DEATH penalty on the defendant NEZIR MEHMET MUZHAQ, from the Polis district of Elbasan, the loss of his civil and political rights and the confiscation of his movable property and real estate based on the legal provisions in force.
Tirana, on 23/VII/1945.
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