Historical Calendar 22 December
1894 - The Dreyfus case begins in France, when Alfred Dreyfus is wrongly convicted of high treason. It was a...
1894 - The Dreyfus case begins in France, when Alfred Dreyfus is wrongly convicted of high treason. It was a...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al publishes some archival documents with the initials "Secret" where the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania,...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al publishes the unknown story of Albanians imprisoned by the Germans in the Extermination Camp in Prishtina where...
Dashnor Kaloçi The third part Memorie.al/publishes the unknown story of Ndue Marashi, former Chairman of the Executive Committee of Tirana,...
1879 - Joseph Stalin is born in Gori, Georgia. Stalin, was a Georgian politician and Soviet revolutionary who led the...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al publishes the unknown story of Zija Muka, an intellectual from the city of Shkodra who during the...
Memorie.al publishes a report by the well-known Swedish journalist, Sven Aurén, published in the newspaper "Svenska Dagbladet" of Stockholm regarding...
Dashnor Kaloçi second part Memorie.al /publishes the unknown story of Ndue Marashi, former Chairman of the Executive Committee of Tirana,...
1832 - Born in the village of Shoshan in the Gjakova Highlands, Haxhi Zeka was one of the organizers of...
Memorie.al publishes a report by the well-known Swedish journalist, Sven Aurén, published in the newspaper "Svenska Dagbladet" of Stockholm regarding...
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