Dashnor Kaloçi
Memorie.al publishes an archival document with the logo “Top secret” issued by the Central State Archive (fund of the former Central Committee of the ALP), which belongs to September 1987, where is the discussion of Enver Hoxha held in the meeting of the secretariat of the Central Committee, where he spoke at length about Albania’s relations and relations with its two neighbors, Yugoslavia and Greece. The whole speech of the communist leader of Albania, where, after talking about the tasks assigned to the military units of the border with these two neighboring countries and the State Security for the surveillance of Kosovars who come as visitors to their people in Albania, as they could also be UDB agents, he dwelled for a long time on the treatment of the Albanian population in its native lands in Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo, by the Titoist regime of Belgrade, in the role of leadership of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo in the official relations of Albania with Yugoslavia, up to the relations with Greece, which were improving day by day!
“Both with the people of Yugoslavia and with the Greek people, we want to live in friendship and brotherhood. The regimes in these two neighboring countries are, as is well known, capitalist. But, without ever losing vigilance, we pursue a fair, efficient policy with favorable results for our country. In these situations, which are conjunctural for the Yugoslavs and the Greeks, we must maintain well-thought-out attitudes, in order to benefit as much as possible from these conjunctures that have been created, especially with these two countries. A part of our nation is known to be located in Yugoslavia. There are great difficulties there and the oppression is fierce, as the Yugoslav revisionists are removed as Marxists-Leninists, disguised with this veil in the oppression of the Albanians there, who live in a double yoke. The Kosovar leadership in Yugoslavia, which is pro-Tito, spreads the slogan, according to which “if we have gained some rights and managed to make some improvements, even with the constitution, we have done it thanks to Tito, so you Albanians, understand our situation, understand the situation of your brothers, do not attack Tito, do not attack Yugoslavia, because you are ruining our work. These leaders, who express such demands on us, are Tito’s servants.
This was stated, among others, by Enver Hoxha in his speech held at the meeting of the secretariat of the Central Committee of the ALP on September 27, 1978, where his main topic was the relations with the two neighboring countries, Yugoslavia and Greece. where, after talking about the tasks assigned to the military units of the border with these two neighboring countries and the State Security for the surveillance of Kosovars who come as visitors to their people in Albania, as they could also be agents of the UDB , He spoke at length about the treatment of the Albanian population in its native lands in Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo by the Titoist regime in Belgrade, the role of the leadership of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo in the official relations of Albania with Yugoslavia. , and to relations with Greece, which were improving day by day! For more about this discussion of Enver Hoxha in the meeting of the secretariat of the Central Committee, let us know the document in question that is published for the first time and in full by Memorie.al
Continues from the last number
Enver Hoxha’s discussion at the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the ALP, on relations with Yugoslavia and Greece
Discussion at the meeting of the Secretariat of K.Q. of the ALP
September 27, 1978
All this requires the Party to work better in the border areas, to speak and know our border guards, for example, the fact that the whole Greek people rose to their feet by going there twice to our Ensemble of Folk Songs and Dances. Why did those Greek employees express those feelings of sympathy so enthusiastically for Albania? No, friends. The Greek people could not maintain such a benevolent attitude towards our artists face to face. We note that a favorable opinion of Albania has now been created in Greece. But such a thing cannot be created within a day, or only since I spoke in March in Gjirokastra. We are convinced that the Greek people have long had a sense of friendship and kindness towards Albania. We must keep this in mind. The party and its Central Committee have always had this in mind, therefore the positions held by us have made the current Greek government more supere in its policy towards Albania. This has served to strengthen our relations with Greece.
Such a thing does not happen in Yugoslavia. There, the Titoites trampled on Kosovars and Albanians living in Macedonia and Montenegro, oppressed them and continue to oppress them. For these unjust actions it is necessary that the Albanians there themselves do not bow their heads, so that the Titoist governing bodies do not dare to do such actions. The Albanians there to be sure that Albania will also speak in their favor, will support them. Carter today speaks “about human rights.” For a fugitive Albanian traitor woman, who has obtained foreign citizenship and came from Belgium to Albania as a tourist, who was discovered and arrested by us, the bourgeois states made a fuss, this became an international problem, and for the shed blood rivers in Nicaragua and in many other parts of the world do not even bother. Well then, for a whole people of nearly two million, living under the hooves of Yugoslavia, we have no right to speak? We have, we are even very right.
I am returning to the issue that at the border, in addition to political and ideological work, it is necessary to do a special work, which we must see on a large scale, even the professional education of border guards. In this regard, too, the Party must work well at the border. There is no need to send communists from elsewhere to our border checkpoints and posts. Next to them we have the basic organizations of the Party of Border Villages, we have youth organizations, from whose ranks new elements are accepted in the Party, therefore the field must give the border an effective political, ideological and informational assistance, in addition to the work that organizes the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in its own line, which is another issue, why it has a special, special character. The church and something else about what is said in the report given to us by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I think that what is said in the relation that the border countries with our country have increased their forces at the border is not real!
To the view of the camouflaged enemy Feçor Shehu, that he sees the increase of the enemy forces in our borders in the context of their maneuvers, comrade Enver Hoxha replied: When the enemy maneuvers, he can bring an entire division to the border, as soon as he finishes the maneuver, he leaves the division immediately. Of course, these maneuvers make us vigilant all the time they take place. In the material given to us by the Minister of Internal Affairs, it is stated that across the border “in such a situation, fugitives are trained in our border area”. It is clear to us that training is done with them, but they become a little deeper, and in the report, it is said that “they are done in the border zone”. The external enemy has prepared and is preparing the fugitives. But where? In remote areas of his territory and at the right time he brings them overnight. Therefore, in no way and for no moment should we fall asleep, always be very vigilant.
All determined political and ideological attitudes, just, reasonable and Marxist-Leninist, that our Party holds towards the enemies, must strengthen the enthusiasm and will for hard work in the direction of defense, strengthen the high socialist patriotism of our people and in reality, this is what happens. By no means should we think that, by attacking the enemies with our tactics and strategy, they have dropped their feathers, thrown away their weapons. On the contrary. We should all understand well that the enemies have become more ferocious and work intensively against us. The harder we attack them, the more they prepare for covert counterattacks, but also for open attacks in our direction. Therefore, there is no room for calm and carelessness, for some complacency regarding the changes in the policy of the neighbors, which may stem from the justice of our line.
The straight line of our Party and Government cannot please the Yugoslav government, on the contrary it increases the savagery against us. It is another matter how much it manifests, how it manifests now and in what time it will manifest more or less, and why it does not manifest in this or that case this fierce and deep enmity of the Titoists towards us. There are many reasons for this. But, if we think, like some people, that “we are strong, therefore the enemies have nothing to do with us”, it means to fall asleep in laurels, which should never happen. Therefore, the employees of the Party, as everywhere, even at the border, must understand that it is necessary to do a lot of political and ideological work with the border guards and all other employees. There are two things today that differ from each other, but that converge in creating a favorable situation for the Socialist People’s Republic of Albania. It is the growing patriotic attitude of the Albanians living in Yugoslavia, who are an integral part of our nation, as well as the growing sympathy of the Greek people for our country. As with the peoples of Yugoslavia, so with the Greek people we want to live in friendship and brotherhood.
The regimes in these two neighboring countries are, as is well known, capitalist. But, without ever losing vigilance, we pursue a fair, efficient policy with favorable results for our country. In these situations, which are conjunctural for the Yugoslavs and the Greeks, we must maintain well-thought-out attitudes, in order to benefit as much as possible from these conjunctures that have been created, especially with these two countries. A part of our nation is known to be located in Yugoslavia. There are great difficulties there and the oppression is fierce, as the Yugoslav revisionists are removed as Marxists-Leninists, disguised with this veil in the oppression they inflict on the Albanians there, who live in a double yoke. The Kosovar leadership in Yugoslavia, which is pro-Tito, spreads the slogan, according to which “if we have gained some rights and managed to make some improvements, even with the constitution, we have done it thanks to Tito, so you Albanians, understand our situation, understand the situation of your brothers, do not attack Tito, do not attack Yugoslavia, because you are ruining our work “.
These leaders, who express such demands on us, are Tito’s servants. They do not understand that it is our attitude that has played and continues to play a major role in the policy that Titoist Yugoslavia is forced to pursue towards the Albanian population, and we will continue to play this role in the future. The right policy of the Albanian socialist state will continue to stand like the sword of Damocles to the Yugoslav Titoists, because they are capitalists and cannot pursue and do not pursue a policy towards national minorities other than the policy of oppression, slavery, exploitation and discrimination. This is how they acted and are acting towards the Albanian population there. Whereas we, as a socialist country, defend freedom, democracy, true sovereignty, we protect, at the same time, our brothers, the Albanian people living in Yugoslavia.
Of course, we do this on the basis of Marxist-Leninist principles. Kosovars and all other Albanians living in Yugoslavia must understand that Albania, with its attitudes, helps and does not weaken them. Albania’s policy weakens only those who play Tito’s card and not the interests of the Yugoslav Albanians. The increase of the resistance of the Albanians there is also dedicated to the policy pursued by the Socialist People’s Republic of Albania. The issue of nationalities, in this difficult situation that Yugoslavia is going through and in even more difficult situations that it will go through in the future, will play a major role in the instability of this country. Like it or not the Titoist chauvinists, this is something objective. Only socialism, and no other socio-political order, solves national issues properly right to the end. In societies with antagonistic classes these issues constantly remain unresolved, they remain permanent ugly wounds in reactionary regimes, such as that of revisionist Yugoslavia.
In the current situation, it is true and we must recognize that the Kosovar people, the Albanian people living in their lands in Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro, are no longer what they used to be. Today, this people has risen politically, it understands more correctly the oppression that is done to it, it also understands the ways in which it should act. We do not tell them this, they themselves are able to find ways of salvation and throw away all the Albanian renegades who play Tito’s card, who do what he dictates to them. None of us here can say to the Albanians living in their lands in Yugoslavia, do this and do that, they know the situation themselves and they know and will know how to act. But we can and should help them protect their rights. With this we do the task, but we must also be vigilant, because in Kosovo there are people who are in the service of Titoism and any of them can come to us, ostensibly to meet with their relatives.
Therefore, the Party, especially in the border districts, must be smart, act skillfully, be neither liberal nor sectarian. Speaking about the Albanian emigrants who come as guests, comrade Enver Hoxha continued: Brother or sister, son or daughter, by the way, live far from the homeland, can we forget these people? If we forget them, it is not right. What, then, connects us to a progressive element from Honduras, with which we become internationalists, when we hold such an attitude towards our close person of one blood and one language? Here, in Albania, friends come to us from all over the world and we walk around to see Albania. How, then, do we not meet our brothers and sisters, for whom we have evidence that they are doing well? Do we, as in any case, do well not to allow them to come, or to meet them when they come? Jo. The person mentioned here, who tried to avoid meeting his sister who came from emigration, may be a good man, but the badly formed opinion on the matter has negatively affected him. But to do as he did is not right at all. This issue, it seems to me, should be seen carefully, because it is not with the line of the Party the opinion created on some elements that our people do not meet their relatives, who come from Yugoslavia, etc.
There are some elements in the people who say: “Do not wait for this or that, because the Security will follow you”. In no way does anything happen on the part of the State Security to a man who is waiting for his brother or sister to come from across the border or from emigration. Insurance, of course, will do its job, yes against those who come and act with bad intentions. Why will the Security let any of these elements come in the form of meeting with their own people, when in fact they are seen trying to “graze”? In general, we can say that neither patriotism, nor manliness, nor loyalty to Albania, have been lost to Kosovars and all Albanians living in their lands in Yugoslavia. The Titoites were forced to recognize these qualities of theirs. All the Party organizations in the border districts, but also the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I think, what I said, which seems to me to be generally principled, should be considered in their work. These I wanted to point out on this occasion, comrades. /Memorie.al