By Dashnor Kaloçi
Second part
Document / “A girl from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, imitated the singer Parashqevi Simaku, and the students believed that she was real, and this is where the cheers started in the form of fandom”! publishes some archival documents extracted from the Central State Archive, (the fund of the former Central Committee of the ALP), where there is a file with the correspondence between the Party Committee of the district of Tirana, and the Party Committee of the State University of “Enver Hoxha”, the High Institute of Arts and the “Studenti” City Directorate, where we are talking about the unusual event of March 20, 1989, where, according to the official version, the dormitory students of the buildings of the Institute of College of Arts and Civil Engineering.
That event that shook the communist regime of Tirana has remained in the memory of few people, only from the testimonies that came from the boarding school students, who returned to their homes at the end of March 1989, with statements from the most contradictory, which knocked each other down. !
In this regard, it is about these archival documents that are published for the first time, but these documents show only one side of the “medal”, the official version and not the truth of what happened that evening of March 20, 1989, in the city “Student”…! Something which can be clarified one day by the testimonies of its protagonists!
Continues from last issue
The basic party organization of the Higher Institute of Arts, in its meetings on March 21 and 23, 1989, after discussing the event that took place in the City of “Student”, reached several conclusions:
The history of the development of the event
Some students of the Higher Institute of Arts, waiting for the water to heat up in the upstairs sanitary room, go out on the balcony and start singing, to themselves. After a while, some guys from Civil Engineering answered you with a guitar. Thus begins a dialogue of songs between these two groups.
Some songs were from our festivals, but from the information we have, it appears that two of them were sentimental love songs, with ordinary lyrics, created by uncultured, ordinary people. This moment attracted the attention of many boarders, who stopped their work and went out the window.
At this time, a girl from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, from the corridor, imitates the singer Parashqevi Simaku. Many of the participants believed that this singer was real and this is where the cheers started in the form of fandom and at the same time, banal phrases between them. These cases, as students show at the meetings of youth organizations, have happened other times, but not on this scale and not in these replicas of hooliganism. The worst thing is that these phrases are also thrown by the girls.
Finally, after pieces of paper and a sheet were burned (according to the statements, in the Engineering building), a boy from this building covered only his head and came out naked, naked, in his building. As it turned out from the meetings of the youth organizations, in this event, several buildings of different faculties were involved.
II – Typical participants from the High Institute of Arts, in this unpleasant event.
– First, some girls sang: F.G., V.G. and E.S. These were answered by some guys from Civil Engineering, whom we don’t know.
– In the use of banal texts, the following have been identified:
M.N., A.Gj., (Faculty of Music), and D.K., (citizen from the district of Korça, participant in the 5-month course of the People’s Creativity House in Tirana and unjustly housed by the dormitory directorate, in the Arts dormitory) , and finally, the athlete of the Arts building, the employee named Teuta.
III- What did the meetings of youth organizations show?
– The young people took a stand and expressed deep indignation for the event in question.
– According to their mass discussions, in the meetings of the youth organizations, the character of the event was spontaneous, unorganized, immature play at its beginning and liberal display of ugly hooliganism, with further proceedings.
– The young people themselves discovered and declared typical students in these actions and emphatically asked for an extreme attitude towards them.
– The deep indignation and sincerity that was expressed by our young people, constitutes for this moment, a satisfaction and moral relief, of the basic organization of the party and the working collective. This is due to the fact that in our collective, there are few such students who want to spoil the clean physiognomy of the entire collective.
IV – The causes that led to these actions
The basic organization of the Party, in its meeting these days, after receiving the right information and the opinions expressed by the youth organization, brought out the real causes, maintaining a self-critical stance.
- The lukewarm life of youth organizations in relation to the real function and relationship they actually have.
- The spirit of concessions to seemingly small problems is a sign of a liberal and indifferent attitude as well.
- Show of laziness and indifference, in a number of lecturers, for educational work, either in large groups with students, or in one-on-one work with them.
- Technocratic tendencies in student preparation. This trend starts in high schools of music.
- Insufficient and sometimes formal work in ideological-political, cultural and civic education with students.
- Lack of deeper knowledge and control over the lives of our young people in the dormitory, by some communists and teachers.
- Poor work of the “Student” City administration.
- Admission to ILA of some students, who are admitted with an unsatisfactory average, in the subjects of general cultural education.
- Lack of organization of forms of youth entertainment.
V – Tasks issued by the basic organization of the Party and the High Institute of Arts, for work with youth.
- The basic organization of the Party and the directorate fight to create the right concepts for the role and duties of the teacher, as an educator, for the ethical-moral and civic formation of students.
- Throwing in concrete actions, of the mass of young people
- Intensification of ideological-political educational work, through lectures, conversations with political, scientific and artistic personalities of our students.
- Enlivening the life of youth organizations, weaving towards the topic of discussions in their bosom, in the forms of mass and organized entertainment.
- Without becoming a guardian of the students, every lecturer should feel the responsibility for the preparation and political, ideological, cultural, professional and civic formation of the students that he teaches.
- In addition to the subjects of the destination, the ideopolitical formation, to delve into the artistic professional subjects, being seen as a decisive factor in the preparation of the true, revolutionary artist.
- Accountability to the mass of employees and students, from the cadres of the Higher Institute of Arts to chairs, deans, administration, directors, in addition to what is developed by the Party’s basic organization, should be held regularly.
- To fight to create the best possible conditions in the High Institute of Arts and in the City of “Students”, to spend their free time in the most civilized way. Regarding these issues, which the basic organization of the Party directed, the chairs and youth organizations are discussing, for the concretization of the tasks that arise in the future.
VI – The measures that are thought to be taken for some of the typical students in this event:
The bureau of the basic organization of the Party and the directorate, in advance, are of the opinion that the following measures should be taken:
- N., fourth year violin student, to be permanently expelled from school.
- Gj., to be expelled from school for one year.
- G., V.G., and E.S., be reprimanded with a warning for singing appropriate songs in public places, triggering subsequent incidents.
The communists, the comrades of the directorate and the youth of the collective, severely condemned these ugly and inappropriate behaviors looked critically at the weaknesses of their work and took tasks for the future. But at the same time, concern has been expressed in the opinion, the responsibility for this event, mainly, is left to Art students.
Secretary of the Basic Organization of the Party
“ENVER HOXHA” Tirana, on 23.3.1989
Around 10 o’clock in the evening, a group of girls from the Higher Institute of Arts, who live in building no. 7, began to sing a song. A group of Civil Engineering students, who live in the opposite building, also responded with a song. This teasing continued with other songs from both sides. Others enter the game. It was also spent in insults and swearing.
The incident began to take on huge proportions. It served as an incentive for bullying actions between the buildings, actions that the students take as harmless, as “toys”. In the Civil Engineering building, a piece of cloth was burned, some papers and some brooms were set on fire. Some students also went outside the building. There were those who threw dirty words. Generally, the crowd of students sang songs with sound content, or performed sehir. The echo of the event exceeded the goals of the “Student” City.
At these moments, investigative bodies also intervened, which was assessed as inappropriate and wrong, given that there were no problems for them. From the meetings and discussions with the youth, in free groups and its organizations, we say with conviction that the event had no political nuance, no element of organization. It started as a game and spontaneous actions, fun songs and due to the force of inertia, involved large masses of students.
In smaller proportions, of these events, they have also happened other times in dormitories, when there is a random bully, especially during exams. But, with the dimensions it took, with any element or phenomenon that manifested, which does not comply with our moral norms, the event was rightly assessed as an extraordinary event.
Therefore, an extraordinary meeting of the Party Committee and of the basic organizations of the faculties of Construction Engineering, Natural Sciences, Economics and History-Philology was held, to the greatest extent, meetings of the youth organization were also held on the 21, and on the 22nd, throughout the University, discussions were held in all Party and youth organizations.
Serious concern has been created everywhere, about what happened, a critical position is discussed and maintained with a spirit of partisanship, conclusions and assignments are drawn. The causes of the event, the youth organizations and the Party in the first place, find in the weaknesses of the educational work of dormitory youth, and student youth in general, especially in terms of its civic and moral formation, and its proper preparation for life, so that she knows how to distinguish evil, and take a stand towards events and unpleasant happenings, towards situations, when they cross the limits of humor and jokes, and become unpleasant and disturbing. Many youth activists, elected and in building councils, do not act proactively in preventing such events.
In buildings 4 and 14, where the mayor and deputy mayor of the “Student” City staff were found, they immediately intervened and stopped the spontaneous involvement of the students of these buildings in the event that happened. In educational work with youth, not all forces are engaged. The tasks that were set for the fight against tutelage, for encouraging the initiative and self-reliance of the youth, have not been properly understood everywhere.
In not a few cases, there is not a completely correct conception of the position, of the chair and the pedagogue, in relation to the youth and its organization. This is also explained in some shows of the appeal of educational work with youth, which finds expression in the fact that, often in the department, you don’t even find educational work plans. Secondly, from the event that happened, the conclusion was drawn, that; the war against foreign shows is not always heated, because it always takes place from an offensive position.
There is indifference and liberalism. The dormitory regulations are not applied, thus leaving an open path for the manifestation of foreign shows. The athletes do not perform their duties properly; they do not feel responsible for their work, as some have come with interference and coercion from the employment offices, even though they are completely unsuitable for university environments. And such, in the “Student” City, we have accumulated a lot, also for other categories of employees. There have also been cases of fights and beatings between dormitory workers and students.
- We think it is a coincidence that this is seen and corrected, with the intervention of the District Party Committee. In addition, there is no attitude towards those students who break the norms of collective living in dormitories, it has not been properly stopped, in analogous cases, when there is a disturbance of peace by groups of students, in one or several buildings, it has not been stopped whenever and wherever measures have been taken against some inclined elements, who have taken the initiatives, to break the peace and order, although sometimes, some of them are also known, and they feel themselves not disturbed. With flaws and weaknesses, the school regulations are also applied.
- Violations of discipline and order in the dormitories are reflexes of indifference and manifestations of liberalism in the auditoriums. There are pedagogues who are sorcerers, sorcerers and powerless to cope with foreign appearances, even in their attitude towards basic duties, such as entering the lesson schedule, forced attendance, respect for our norms, external appearance and manner behavior in the auditoriums, and outside them.
There are also those who do not know how to orient themselves correctly in relations with students, especially young lecturers. From the meetings of the basic youth organizations, it turned out that, in the withdrawal of some lecturers, from the confrontation for the breaking of discipline by the students; it also influenced the non-taking of measures, in some extreme cases.
- The causes are related to the weaknesses and strengths of youth organizations. Although some steps were taken in the establishment and functioning of the building councils and the “Student” City Headquarters, again their role, as a lever of youth organizations, is weak, since the very life of youth organizations, in some cases, it’s a meal. This is also because they have not always had the help and care of the Party’s basic organizations, closely.
- In the causes of the event, the Party and youth organizations also saw a series of weaknesses in the work of the “Studenti” City Directorate, related to the control and the demand of the account to the employees. They don’t work right, you bastards. The administration employees themselves do not perform the service properly. On the night of the incident, one, who has broken discipline repeatedly, was not on duty.
For this, this employee was fired. The Directorate has not established a rule in the notification system. The situation goes so far that even the director of the “Student” City was informed about the event, after an hour, not by the employees of the dormitories, but by one of his relatives, who has a house near this city, while the Secretary of the Committee of Party, it is announced from 1 o’clock at night.
- Finally, since other times, the events we have had, started from the buildings that were at the entrance of the “Studenti” City, where students of the Higher Institute of Arts live, we think that this mass of students, let’s organize it in other buildings. The remarks and suggestions that were made in this regard by the organization of the History-Philology Party seemed right to us and we will take measures to implement them at the beginning of the new school year.
In these directions, the Committee and the Party organizations and under their leadership also the youth organizations stopped and took out the responsibilities they have. The work that was done so far was considered the beginning.
Everywhere, they came up with conclusions and the decision to gather again, to make analyses, to draw more complete conclusions and tasks, for a more qualified work with the youth, in the concept of practical realization by the Party organizations and their levers. According to the annual work plan, these days, for this problem, we will also develop an expanded party asset.
Ilia Congo
On 17.4.1989, in separate meetings, we brought you to the attention of the leaders of the High Institute of Arts (Comrade Jakup Mato, director and Comrade K…G…, secretary of the Party’s basic organization), as well as the secretary of To the Party Committee of the “Enver Hoxha” University of Tirana, comrade Ilia Kongo, our opinion regarding the position that will be held regarding the event that took place in “Studenti” City, we agree with the position on the issue and the measures that are thought to be taken, but we emphasize that we should be reserved in taking capital measures that would lead to permanent exclusion from school and boarding school.
Anastas Kondo
Lukan Puka
According to the announcements made to us by the Party Committee of the “Enver Hoxha” University, and by the directorate of the Higher Institute of Arts, it appears that these attitudes were held towards some students, on the occasion of the incident in “Studenti” City, on March 20 1989. In the High Institute of Arts, students Xh.Gj., E.S., E.Gj. And V.G., are expelled for one year from school, for serious violations of discipline at school and in the dormitory.