Dashnor Kaloçi
Second part
Memorie.al/ publishes some archival documents extracted from the Central State Archive in Tirana (fund of the former Central Committee of the ALP), which are detached from a voluminous file with the initials “secret” which belongs to the years 1980-1982 and talks about the sensational event, the rupture of the tires of some of the vehicles of the foreign diplomatic corps, accredited in Tirana, where after the great concern of Enver Hoxha and his phone call to the Minister of Internal Affairs, Feçor Shehu, to whom, at the height of his anger, the “Commander” said: “If for 24 hours you do not find out who and why damaged the vehicles of foreign embassies in Tirana, find a hole and enter”! The alarm of the Minister of Interior, Feçor Shehu, who called for an urgent meeting, all the main directors of the department he headed, and after making clear to the “Commander” the great concern, lest that event would create a diplomatic incident with several countries, Within 24 hours, the State Security organs and other structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs managed to discover the perpetrator of the “crime”, Prendushme Deda, an employee of the Municipal Enterprise of the capital, who was working on cleaning the streets, which was caught in flagrante delicto in front of the “Dajti” Hotel while packing the tires of some of the vehicles of the diplomatic corps in Tirana. Rare testimony of the former Director of the Central Forensic Laboratory of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Neshat Tozaj, given shortly before he passed away, regarding the heated debates and his clash with Minister Feçor Shehu, after he, as the head of the laboratory he led, refused to sign the expert report, to consider the cutting tool as a “cold weapon”, with which the cleaning worker had broken the tires of some of the vehicles with “CD” license plates! Feçor Shehu’s threat to his subordinate who immediately fired him, sending him as a screenwriter to the Kinostudio “Shqipëria e Re” and Tozaj’s long odyssey, to restore his honor and dignity, sending him letters complaints to Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu and then Enver Hoxha. This became the cause and brought the cold and the first clash, between the two highest leaders of communist Albania, of that time! Enver’s accusations against Mehmet Shehu, why he had kept secret the sensational event that shook official Tirana (for fear of a diplomatic incident with several countries), where after his death and the arrest of Kadri Hazbi and Feçor Shehu , that new event came “on stage” and as a result, all members of the “hostile group”, who were accused of damaging the vehicles of foreign embassies and returning to the workplace of Neshat Tozaj, were released from prison and internment. Who a few years later, wrote the novel “Knives”, which at that time would make a big fuss!
Continued from the previous issue
The unknown story of the event that took place in 1980, with the vehicles of the diplomatic corps in Tirana, which found cracked tires, for which Neshat Tozaj wrote the novel “Knives”!
The secret document with the report drafted by Rexhep Kolli, a senior official in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the ALP for the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sent to his superiors, regarding the problem of the “hostile criminal group”, who were arrested and convicted of damaging vehicles of foreign embassies in Tirana!
Secret Dt.16.3.1982
On November 6, 1982, the Central Commission for Internment-Deportation, based on the proposal of the Directorate of Internal Affairs of Tirana, approved the family internment of Dedë Lasku with his son Noc Lasku, as well as Kudrete Dobi with her daughter Natasha Egro .
These measures were taken based on the opinion that in the process of cracking the tires of foreign diplomats, we are dealing with “a sharp diversionist group”. The concern was right. On October 26, 1980, Prendushe Deda was caught red-handed breaking her tires.
In these circumstances, the investigator stopped Gavrosh and Lafkothe Lasku, because they had learned that Prendushe Deda wanted to repair the car tires of foreign diplomats, Marie Lasku, who was Prendushe’s mother, Edmon Ruzin, who had produced the knife, and Lindita Beka, who gave the knife to Prendusha. This action was fair and well-founded.
However, during the investigation, in general until 6.11.1980, it became clear that there is no group, despite the intention set by the comrades of the operational sector and the Investigation, to find out who was hiding behind Prendushe Deda, with who prepared and organized this criminal act.
Moreover, the being of the “diversionist group” was shaken by the fact that: Prendushe Deda, as soon as she was caught, declared: “I tore the tires and if they had not caught me, I would have continued to tear other. “I did this out of anger at that stranger who knocked me down on a motorcycle one day.”
Prendushja was a depraved and degenerate woman, with character disorders, so much so that in the work center and in the neighborhood, she was known as a woman not only immoral, but also as easy in judgments and actions.
In these circumstances, the Security body should not have rushed to the proposal for taking internment measures, but to analyze and examine the issues with more objectivity and partisan spirit. The kidnapping after the event, which was really serious, led to unfounded measures for the deportation of two families:
- On November 3, 1980, the Directorate of Internal Affairs for Tirana, proposes to deport the family for 5 years, Kudrete Dobi with this motivation: “Seeing that the family has become a problem in the residential center and the fact that her daughter, Lindita Beka, has been arrested for serious crimes”.
The deportation proposal act stated, among other things:
– Kudrete Dobi in 1949 was fired by NTSHUS for ………., From the Sanatorium was fired for …………, was married to Ibrahim Egron, Reshat Beka and Gjergj Hasani, who separated for ……………!
– The girl, Lindita Beka, on October 26, 1980, was arrested as an accomplice in the crime committed by Prendushe Deda.
– Together with Kudreten, to deport Natasha Egro, her daughter who is officially separated, but who live together.
From the study of all materials, consultations with friends of the neighborhood, of the work centers where Kudrete Dobi worked, the explanations given to us by the friends of the Tirana Directorate and those of the Lushnja Branch of Internal Affairs, it results that the internment measure for Kudrete Dobin and her daughter, Natsha Egro, have not only been poorly and carefully studied, but also unfounded for the following reasons:
– Lindita Beka, daughter of Kudrete Dobi, was detained on 26.10.1980 “as an accomplice” in the crime committed by Prendushe Deda, but was released on 29.10.1980, for lack of evidence. She was arrested on 30.10.1980, for illegal possession of weapons, and this with manipulation of evidence by the investigator, who, contrary to the law and norms of the Party, hid the expertise of the Central Forensic Laboratory, who did not consider the knives to be weapons cold.
– Yes, Lindita gave the knife to Prendushe Deda, but she did not know anything about her purpose. So it is not true that Lindita Beka was arrested for “sharp crimes”, as stated by the Security body. In these conditions, there was no need to deport Lindita’s family.
– Natasha Egro, is really Kudreta’s daughter and Lindita has a sister from her mother, but she was officially separated. Natasha Egro was married to Ruzhdi Serhat, with whom she had a child.
– She lived in another block of Neighborhood No.1. Due to a dispute, the district court with Decision No. 222 dt. 8.2.1977, approves their separation due to the fault of both. Based on the court decision, the room remained with the husband, while for Natasha, the court recommended to the Neighborhood Executive Committee to provide her with another apartment.
– While she was still not provided with an apartment, Natasha was forced to stay temporarily in a room of the apartment that her mother had. So, in these circumstances, there was no legal basis for the deportation measure for Natasha Egron.
– The biographical confirmation of Kudret Dobi and Natasha Egros, have tended to inflate the negative sides, moreover, things have been done to them that have not happened. Thus:
– It is not true that Kudrete Dobi has been fired from the Sanatorium for theft. She was fired from there on 3.1.1970 according to the notification given to us by the cadre branch on 23.12.1981, for breach of discipline, familiarity with the sick and taking on debts.
– It is not true that she is separated from men for immorality. Based on court decisions, she was separated from Ibrahim Egro on 23.12.1954, for the fault of both:
– With Reshat Beka was separated on 19.1.1962, for the fault of both, with Gjergj Hasani was separated on 18.11.1970, but for the fault of both and specifically, for the age difference (Kudreti was 10 years older than i husband), for Kudreta’s nervous temperament and George’s stubborn attitude.
– It is not true that her family has become a problem in the housing center. In this regard, neither the police nor the operative sector has had any data to prove that this family has become a problem.
– The Executive Committee of Neighborhood No. 1 on 18.12.1981, informed us that: “The family of Kudret Dobi as far as this Committee knows, has never been a worrying problem in terms of its behavior, until the time he was interned.”
– The basic organization of the Party and the leadership of the Front, say that this family was not a problem, that it had a good political attitude, that Kudreti was active in social problems, and her daughter Lindita Beka, was also a member of the ‘Groups of Voluntary Cooperation ‘from 1978 until his arrest.
– It is not true that Kudreta’s daughter, Natasha, was separated from her husband because of her guilt. She was separated on 8.2.1977, through the fault of both.
The comrades of the First Directorate of State Security and the Directorate of Internal Affairs of Tirana, while we were working to clarify the issue, tried to gather material to argue that “the measure was right”.
For this they:
– Removed from the file the characteristic of the Presidency of the Front issued for the political and social position of Kudreta on 22.07.1981 and in a crooked way, take another characteristic on 10.12.1981.
– Under the influence of the Security comrades, going to the chairman of the Bloc Front at night, as well as calling outside the rules in the Directorate, a member of the leadership of the Bloc Front, in the second characteristic, which replaced the first, the assessments of well, those parts that said: “Kudreti has maintained a good political stance”, “constantly discussed in defense of the Party line”, “went well with the neighbors”.
– On the other hand, the following negative assessments were made: “In our Bloc she is known as a woman with poor morals”, “the eldest daughter was immoral and divorced”, “Lindita did not maintain a good moral attitude, meeting also with foreigners”?
– Exactly, this second characteristic was rejected as unfounded by the Basic Organization of the Neighborhood Party on 30.12.1981, compiling a new characteristic.
– The basic organization also said that the negative assessments for this family were made under the influence of the member of the Presidency of the Front, Comrade Haxhi Ziu, who did not go well with Kudrete Dobin, that the bodies of Internal Affairs should not follow this path wrong for feature.
They sent investigator Sokol Koleka to the Kosovo Rehabilitation Department (Elbasan), to receive a report from a convict who had been in a dungeon with Lindita Beka, where it is said that Lindita and her mother are in hostile positions.
On 11.12.1981 they made the report: “On the internment of Kudret Dobi and her daughter Natasha Egro”, where it was concluded that:
“Kudrete Dobi and her daughter Natasha Egro, not to be released from exile, but to take measures to quickly verify the data that show that they have carried out sharp hostile activities. Depending on the validation of the data, to be judged and decided in the future.
It is operatively confirmed that Lindita Beka is in a hostile position. The denunciation of Pavlina Gugu also sheds light on her cooperation with Prendushe Deda, who, as it is known, was convicted of hostile activities. Depending on the confirmation of this denunciation, to be judged for the measures that will be taken against this “.
Regarding this conclusion, we ask: Why is it not reflected on the motivation on the basis of which this family was interned, a motivation which, the investigative and judicial process itself, overthrew?!
Can a family be interned because their daughter is sentenced to 4 months in prison for a criminal offense and later acquitted? It is said that on March 5, 1981, when Lindita Beka was released from prison and when her family had been interned for 4 months, the Security Body received a denunciation from a convict, where Lindita was implicated in sharp hostile actions!
However, this data is not very reliable, which is also expressed by comrade Zef Loka in his note, where he says: “This will be taken in writing, and not with an operational note, because it is not correct. I do not believe these, as much as this (it is about the whistleblower), is without personality and speaks fantasy. How did they talk with signs on the wall, such a long text?!
It is also said that Lindita on 18.9.1981, is implicated in the process of Perikli Shqevi, that she is aware of his tendency to escape, etc. And that on 21.9.1981, Lindita was taken in pursuit.
The question arises, is there a norm that says that despite the fact that we arrested, convicted and interned without legal grounds a person or a family, the measure is right, why we after 4 months received a dubious data, after 11 months it turned out to be an implicated process and after a year we will be mobilized to prove his guilt?!
Of course, these are not fair actions, but attempts to cover up the violations committed. By this we do not mean at all that the issue that arises should not be verified and clarified. Of course they should be verified and clarified, but not to follow wrong ways and forms of work. Not only that, but for the sake of this we should not put in place the violations of the law that have been committed. Everything must be done on the basis of and in accordance with the norms.
In this case, the friends were wrong. Where they were and what did they do from March 23, 1981, when the data came out? Until September 1981, the Security body did not take any action, only in the framework of the measures for the 8th Congress of the Party took Lindita Beka in pursuit. However, so far there is no data directly from any source. So the hostile activity on the operational road has not been proven./Memorie.al
The next issue follows