By Dashnor Kaloçi
Second part publishes some archival documents, extracted from the Central State Archive in Tirana (the fund of the former Central Committee of PPSh), which also houses the personal archive of the former leader of communist Albania, Enver Hoxha, who in his political diary, which belongs to a long period of time, starting from May 1967, to December 1983, he has kept notes on the events of the Middle East, such as; the long Israel-Palestine conflict, the continuous wars between Israel and the Arab countries, the six-day war in 1967, where Israel defeated Egypt and the coalition of Arab countries, occupied the Golan Heights, the Yom Kippur war in 1973, where again Israel, after defeating the coalition of Arab countries (Egypt, Algeria, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Yemen, Lebanon, Morocco, etc.) occupied the Sinai Peninsula, which he surrendered in 1979, blocking and closing the Suez Canal, (where Albania had vital interests, due to the aid that came from China by sea), until the civil war in Lebanon, at the beginning of the 80s, etc. What did the dictator of communist Albania, Enver Hoxha, write in his political diary where he made an analysis, and what was the position of the official Tirana, about the conflict between Israel and the Arab countries, as well as the various countries that support them, such as; Soviet Union, USA, Great Britain, People’s Republic of China, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, etc.?! Was the information that Enver Hoxha had in June 1967 true, according to which, official Moscow would offer assistance to Egypt, bringing its Naval Military Fleet to the Mediterranean, in the event that official Tirana would accept that Soviet ships, to anchor in the ports of Durrës, Vlora, Shengjin, etc., or was it a paranoia of Hoxha, which caused the Albanian Army to switch to combat readiness no. 1, even mobilizing the reserve forces and those of the volunteer squads?! Regarding this, etc., we know the political diary of the former main leader of communist Albania, which will be published in several issues by
The next issue follows
FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1967
Yesterday Nasser shamefully capitulated, broken, badly defeated by the armies of Israel. Defeat of a bluffest, arrogant and charlatan bourgeoisie. He took the Egyptian people by the neck, who will suffer even more than they have suffered so far. The imperialist-revisionist powers will impose slavery conditions on Egypt; will divide the spheres of influence. The Soviet revisionists in Egypt, the Anglo-Americans in other countries of the Orient, will insert their claws as much as possible into the Arab countries. It is clear what rot is at the head of these brave and freedom-loving peoples. In these difficult days, where their reactionary, capitulating and imperialist-revisionist leaders have led us, we must continue to defend the Arab brotherly peoples. The Soviet revisionists openly played the dirty role of the loyal ally of American imperialism. They in all their activities helped the Israeli aggressor, demoralized, discouraged and threatened the RAB, no matter how rotten Nasser is.
The joint Soviet-American resolution, taken in the Security Council, only for the cease-fire, without defining the aggressor, without making the United States of America and England responsible for the co-aggression and without demanding the withdrawal of Israeli troops, fourfold confirms the agreement Soviet-American. The request of the Security Council, when Israel had achieved the objectives, naturally due to the weakness of the Egyptian army and Nasser, would mean “Egypt’s capitulation”. And so it sounded. Great lesson for the revolutionary peoples, which shows that first of all, you have to fight bravely yourself to the end, to have faith in the first place, in the strength of your people, in your organization. This does not mean that it devalues internationalist aid (we are talking about the real and safe aid of friends). The Soviet revisionists acted treacherously with the Arab peoples, as they did with the Congo, with Cuba, with Santo-Domingo. This is how they will act with everyone; their line is clear, anti-revolutionary, capitulating, and imperialist. The Soviets will further become open aggressors and no longer masked, as they are trying to act now.
The logic of betrayal will lead them there. In these convoluted and difficult international situations for peoples, China is not okay at all. It is in anarchy, in chaos, in civil war. The peoples of the world are depressed by her, why they cannot have her support properly. China, you only need to say that; “Mao Tse Dun leads all revolutionaries of the world”. But in fact, he cannot quickly tame the counter-revolutionaries inside his country. When you can’t put order inside, then how will you help others and you shouldn’t even have claims to “lead the world revolution”?! This is a disaster, a big minus, but the fact is the fact. Nasser is Nasser. But he, in this difficult time for the RAB, only asked China for bread, and neither weapons, nor planes, nor diplomatic support. Why did he do that? Why do you know that China cannot help beyond its means?
Mao and other comrades of the Chinese leadership should make a U-turn as soon as possible, leave the tactics; remove and do not tear; that their attitude; it is not a revolutionary action, it harms China and the whole world. The enemy makes great use of this situation. I have the impression that the Chinese comrades are not realistic, nor do they have political intelligence or skill. They give the impression and even say this: “This will take time, we have time, the whole world has its eyes on us, this is where they will come, we do our work, but this work will take a century, three centuries, we are waiting”! What a philosophy! It doesn’t smell Marxist! We have the Chinese as good friends, but these actions, these sensational and groundless claims, we cannot accept. We have openly told them our thoughts, we have given them remarks, but I have the impression that sometimes they do not like it. Their ambassador here follows in the footsteps of his ancestors!
He doesn’t keep in touch with us, he doesn’t even come to ask, or we ask him and I think he doesn’t come to ask out of fear that we will ask him what he is doing in China, how things are going there, etc. They don’t even keep their only and loyal ally, Albania, in the news! Then how is this explained? There is no other explanation than the philosophy I said above. But this is not right, neither regular nor social. Such an attitude also opens the way for more open talks and the exchange of opinions on many acute international problems, which are neither “wonderful”, as the Chinese say, nor do they allow you not to hold positions. This has not stopped us, nor will it stop us, from taking fair, courageous positions on everything. We will fight to victory, against every enemy; we will fight even for only. The Chinese know this well, so it seems to us that this is not enough for us. I love and respect the Arab peoples, because they are progressive, fighters and revolutionaries. They have fought for their freedom and independence against the imperialist colonialists.
This defeat they suffered will be a great lesson for them. They will see more clearly who their corrupt bourgeois leaders are, they will know even better, the imperialists, their new game and tricks, they will know better what filthy traitors of the peoples they are modern Soviet revisionists, titists and others. These peoples will dispel many of the illusions that were created for them and the lies that others told them. Misfortunes will overtake them. They will not drop their weapons. This is a temporary defeat. The revolution in the Arab peoples, in Africa and elsewhere, goes on and will go on. So with all the forces, for the revolution! These defeats do not defeat us; these are calculated, in the revolution. These in no way can prevent the revolution. The enemies are being unmasked and defeated by our war and these sporadic victories of theirs, have in themselves, the unmasking of savagery and imperialist-revisionist rot. The temporary defeat of the Arabs exposed the Americans, the Soviets, the British and their puppets in the eyes of the people. So this is a victory for the revolution, and it will bring greater victories tomorrow.
Nasser’s resignation is another withdrawal, like that of his army before the pressure of the enemy, Israel. Is this resignation done out of despair caused by the defeat, or is it the result of internal pressure from his opponents? We will see. Maybe it is the result of both. But his speech, in front of the people, apart from the demagogic tone, also has the acceptance of military defeat and excuses. Of course, these excuses are based on the fact that Israel was helped by the American-British and that they were in conspiracy with the Soviets. He says this openly. He tells about the pressures of Kosygin, who told Nasser not to attack first, because Israel will not attack either. But the fact is that Israel attacked RAB. Excuse for surprise and not taking proper measures, I don’t drink water. At the same time, the resignation, related to his past “revolutionary” actions and other demagoguery, did what Nasser intended in his speech: Crowds rose in demonstration in favor of him; the assembly was urgently convened and did not accept his resignation. I think it was well done. Nasser is the best of the bad. Those who would come after him would be people of compromise, people of the Americans, the British and the Soviets. Nasser bled with them; he does not forget this defeat and will try to put his honor in place.
This does not mean that he will not negotiate with them later, because he is a bourgeois, but he has a certain sensibility and this sensibility will not let him become slippers. After all, he did not lower his head even further, he wanted to be an emperor, and the habit was taken out, while providing installments, etc. The important thing is that he recognized the Soviets, declares that they betrayed him and now, he will be more prudent and more demanding towards them. The Soviets will be forced to pay more. It is important that Nasser resists. The more he resists, the more the Soviet revisionists will be exposed. The revisionists gathered yesterday in Moscow, together with Tito. Today they released a public statement, which exposes them more. In Algiers and Cairo, the Soviet embassies are being attacked; in Algiers the crowds throw slogans: “Kosigini to resign”. Kosygin does not resign, but the Soviet revisionists are exposing themselves badly. This is a win. China responded immediately to Nasser’s request. He gave 115 thousand tons of wheat and 100 million dollars in foreign currency. Nasser was very satisfied and told the Chinese that the Soviets had asked them 10 times, 100 planes, but they gave him only 6 and he did not accept them. We continue and will continue to give them all our possible help.
MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1967
We sent the newspaper “Voice of the People” to publish tomorrow the article with the title: “Agent of the Americans and false friend of the Arab peoples”.
MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1967
The Israeli attack against the Arab countries showed well the condition of the armies of these countries, of the Middle East. They are not organized armies and far from being popular liberation armies. They were broken with the greatest ease by the army of Israel, which, as a weapon of the Zionist bourgeoisie, proved to be much more organized, much stronger, disciplined, combative and offensive than those of the Arab countries, which, taken together, in number, they are much larger. The character of the Arab armies is anti-popular. They are armies of the reactionary bourgeois cliques in power, armies at the service of palace coups. The cadres of these armies are generally of bourgeois origin — they come from the agallars, the feudal lords. The army in these countries is corrupted by the Anglo-American imperialist agency, which moves its strings at any time, for its own interests represented by one or the other clique. So in the main direction, the army of these countries is the protection of the actions of that reactionary clique, which is in power and becomes another one, when it overthrows the first one.
Dozens of such military coups have been carried out in Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and elsewhere, and at the head of these coups have been generals, and behind the Anglo-American generals. The education and arming of the cadres of these armies has been done precisely, not only to oppress their peoples, but to serve the various tools of the imperialists. There has never been a true unity between the various Arab states of the Middle East. The feeling of Arabism and the Islamic religion, as much as they are for them, a knot of connection, have not served for this unity within them. Alliances and friendships between Arab states have been sporadic, temporary, formal, random, for the interests of cliques, or for protection from each other’s ambitions and intrigues. The imperialists with their agencies have helped a lot in this situation. Of course, with the liberation of these peoples, the intrigues of the imperialists cannot act as before, but the bourgeoisie of these countries itself acts, with its anti-people character, to weaken this Arab unity.
But the fact is that this unity is beginning to be felt, becoming necessary in the face of imperialism, which seeks to maintain the old situation of “divide and rule”. Imperialism sees this danger and it is for this reason that it struck on the side of Israel. On the contrary, Israel, as a reactionary bourgeois state, is compact and very well organized for aggressive war. Despite their internal opposition, before the “Arab danger”, Israelis are compact, to the point of death. For everything and at all times, they direct their attention to the defense of their state and, as Jews, leave no opportunity unexploited in their interest. The imperialists feed, help and love this line of Israel, and they have it, it’s like they have a stuffed cocoon under their belt and, like the gangsters that they are, they empty it when you need it.
This defeat will teach many lessons to the Arab states, and in the first place, about the need to strengthen that desired unity against their common enemy, imperialism. Of course, this, by the very nature of these states, is not achieved immediately, but the fact is that, some first premises were achieved this time, they all went to war, cut off diplomatic relations with the United States of America and England, cut off oil , etc. In the event that the American-Soviets impose on the Arabs a new Munich, in favor of Israel, then the Arabs will become more savage and the war will continue, the preparation for new strikes will continue, the unity of the peoples will be better prepared Arabs, against the imperialist-revisionists.
TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1967
On June 9, the highest leaders of the revisionist countries of Europe gathered in Moscow to review the “situation in the Near East”. The statement published after this meeting is a proof of their shameless capitulation, before the reactionary imperialism and the sabotage of the just war, of the Arab peoples. Regarding this, we sent an article to the newspaper “Voice of the People”. It bears the title “Revisionist slogans will not deceive the Arab peoples”.
The Middle East is populated with different Arab peoples and tribes. All are called Arabs, but their origin is not the same. The religion that seduces and lies to them and supposedly unites them is Islam, but a Islamism divided into different, old sects, which over the centuries have been at odds with each other, have caused the bloodshed of peoples and were the banner of different leaders of the Middle Ages and modern times, even our time. At present, religion in the Middle East, although still acute and inspiring to these peoples, does not appear divided by sects, however these exist and are practiced. Between them, there is, as I said, certain coexistence, under the general cover of the Muslim religion. But modern development, the spread of materialistic ideas and science, have greatly weakened the influence of religion and forced it to preach general ideas and formally preserve the implementation of its traditional practices.
However, we are far from saying that the Arab peoples of the Middle East have escaped the chains of religious faith. Among these peoples, people with orthodox beliefs (Copts) and Zionists also live. The latter, with the help of the American-British imperialists, have created their state of Israel, the product of the maneuvers of international capital and Zionism. The Muslim religion has been tolerant and liberal towards other faiths, and throughout history, there have been no acute and fiery problems between them, I am talking about modern times and not the times of the Crusades. Now the Arab-Israeli conflict has become an acute problem in the Middle East. In my opinion, the main cause of the crisis in the Middle East is not the state of Israel. The State of Israel was one of the reasons why, as an aggressive, dynamic capitalist state, it has actively aligned itself with the enslaving plans of world imperialism, and especially the American one, to keep the Middle East under the enslavement of American imperialism. .
In this prism, the state of Israel, and this is not the only one, has become the “arrowhead” of American imperialism. Israel has been a fully obedient satellite of the Americans, it is obliged to follow and implement in general terms the American strategy, but this does not exclude sometimes having its own tactics, which are imposed by the circumstances and conditions on earth own. The main reason for the crisis in the Middle East is the attempt to dominate American imperialism and other colonialist forces, which struggle to maintain their old dominance in these areas, colonial economic, political, and military, etc. These imperialist powers used to find it easier to make the law in these countries, because not only did they completely control the economy of these countries, but politically, they completely had their own kings, feudal lords, they also had their own armies of occupation. .
The next issue follows