Dashnor Kaloçi
The fifth part
Memorie.al publishes some archival documents issued by the Central State Archive in Tirana (fund of the former Central Committee of the ALP), which bear the logo “Top secret” and belong to the year 1982, where there are several information reports of the member of the Politburo, Spiro Koleka, the secretary of the Central Committee of the ALP, Vangjel Çerrava, the first secretary of the Party Committee of the Korça district, Enver Halili, etc., sent to the Central Committee of the ALP, regarding the meetings of committees of the Party of Pogradec and Korça, Branches of Internal Affairs of these districts, etc., where they had participated as delegates of the Central Committee. What was discussed in those meetings where Enver Hoxha’s letter was analyzed regarding the “Synoptic Table”, about the enemies and traitors, Mehmet Shehu, Kadri Hazbiu, Feçor Shehu, etc., as well as report-information from instructors of the Central Committee of the ALP regarding the letters of denunciation that had come to the sector they covered, for the “main leaders of the hostile group” headed by Kadri Hazbiu!
Just a few weeks after the event of December 18, 1981, when Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu was found dead in his bedroom by a pistol bullet in very mysterious circumstances which even today after 40 years are still being discussed, with By order of the Central Committee of the ALP, in all the basic organizations of the Party throughout the country, numerous meetings were held and held, where it was discussed: “in the spirit of the word of comrade Enver Hoxha, for the enemy Mehmet Shehu”, which would they then serve Enver to write: “Synoptic Table for the polyagent Mehmet Shehu”?! In all these meetings, among others, as it is known from a number of documents with the logo “Top secret”, found in the Central State Archive, the Archive of the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Defense, many participants and discussants who have taken the floor there, have made all kinds of accusations, true and false, denunciations, spies, slander, fabrications, gossip, intrigue, fabrication and everything that has suited them, all in the direction and against the former the late Prime Minister, Mehmet Shehu, his family and those who were considered their collaborators, mentioning dozens of names, such as; military, government, senior party officials, etc., etc. Likewise, these meetings intensified, especially after October 1982, when the Minister of Defense Kadri Hazbiu was arrested (who for almost three decades had held the delicate post of Minister of Interior), the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Interior, Feçor Shehu, Minister of Health, Llambi Ziçishti, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs for State Security, Mihallaq Ziçishti, etc., where the same picture was repeated against them, as with former Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu. And after the holding of these meetings, the party committees of the respective districts, have drafted a series of reports with summaries of the “main problems”, which were then sent to the Central Committee of the ALP. For all these meetings, Memorie.al has a large number of documents extracted from a voluminous file with the logo “Top secret”, where former members of the Politburo, secretaries of the Central Committee at the time, such as Spiro Koleka, Enver Halili, Vangjel Çerrava, etc., etc., inform the Central Committee about the meetings they attended, giving in detail everything that was said and discussed there. In addition to these reports, in the file in question, there are also a series of reports compiled by lower-ranking officials from the Central Committee onwards, or collegial reports of the Branches of Internal Affairs in the districts, headquarters, commands and committees of the party of military corps, which were also the largest units that the Albanian army had at that time. From this voluminous file that Memorie.al has in full, in the last three issues we have published the report-information of the former member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the ALP, Spiro Koleka, sent to the Central Committee, regarding the party asset of Pogradec district, where he participated as a delegate, on September 25, 1982. To continue in the following, (in three articles in a row) with the report-information “Top secret” of the first secretary of the Party Committee of Korça, Enver Halili, sent to the Central Committee of the ALP (personally Enver Hoxha), regarding the work and activity of the State Security in the district of Korça, as well as the “implication” of Mehmet Shehu, Kadri Hazbiu, Feçorr Shehu, etc., with Security employees and other people in that district and beyond, which is what the article we are publishing in today’s issue is about.
Continues from the previous number
Report-information of the first secretary of the Korça District Party Committee, Enver Halili, about Enver Hoxha and the Central Committee of the ALP
Korça, Korça, on 28.10.1982
POLITICAL BUREAU AND THE 5TH Plenum of the Central Committee of the Party
These have led to the fact that some Security cadres make a scandal, take out the pistol in public places. To introduce in the field of sports a “buj-omani”, which hinted that the Branch is coming, it does this and that, which had created several times a shyness and fear in the people.
The manifestations of capitulation and lack of simplicity as Party workers are noticed in some Security cadres from managers to operational workers. Some of them, in order to cover the shortcomings of the work and to make it uncontrollable by the Party and the organs of power, have speculated in the closed work, which in some cases has been fetishized.
The cult is also reflected when one tries to treat the Investigation as a kind of agency-operational work, or in cases when the Security cadres say that: “For everything that is required in the area should be asked the operational worker, as he is the owner of the place.” This concept is also supported and encouraged by the Ministry.
Bujomania in the performance of duties, the use in some cases and by some employees with and without place of vehicles of enterprises and institutions for official and personal work, has led to the opinion that these have very important jobs. In some cases, the cult of the employee of the Branch has been nurtured by shaky elements who in different ways have approached them and bragging about them by giving gifts, etc.
There have been cases in which the employees of the Internal Affairs Branch have carried out checks to maintain secrecy in the district and at the base, in the organs of power and in the economy. This has cultivated the opinion in some that the Internal Branch is everything, even over the organs of power.
Acts of arrogance and arrogance have also been committed by police cadres, violating laws and regulations such as the case of brutal behavior with employees and cadres in the stadium, or the case of two cadres who forcibly take the guard of the Wood Processing Company and take him to police, leaving for a time and the facility without guards.
The cult has led someone, as in the case of the operative, to ask the secretary of the grassroots organization of an institution where his wife worked to study the organization’s meeting protocol, who and why had criticized his wife, which was severely criticized by the district Party Committee.
In some cases, arrogant behavior was reflected in some border officers in relations with the people and soldiers, reaching as far as the post office of Vidohova and Kallamas, to hit the soldiers, for which strict measures were taken. Criticism of arrogance has also been leveled at key members of the Branch.
There was a lot of criticism in the police organization for the district police chief, Hajredin Shyti, who behaves arrogantly, does not pay enough attention to the opinions and proposals of the communists, does not complete the proposals for special police officers who have tarnished the moral figure, & c.
The cult of Security employees has been cultivated since the school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where as it emerged from the discussions, professors treat lectures on unrealistic grounds, inflating the achievements of the Security weapon and the image of its employee.
In this school there has been a certain underestimation of the basic subject of the ideological formation Marxism-Leninism, and the overestimation of the subjects of the specialty, a defect which stands out in the formation of deficient students, primarily as Party workers, as cadres and cultured citizens, which is reflected in work and life in some of them.
Mistakes have also been made in the policy of handling, appointing and moving staff.
In all the basic organizations of the Party we have communists who criticized the hostile actions and attitudes of Kadri Hazbiu and Feçor Shehu towards the Party’s policy with the cadre. The opinion was expressed to look carefully at the effective of the Ministry of Internal Affairs where there was ill family, critical lack and loss of revolutionary spirit, as some people with bad habits such as careerists, servile, lazy, immoral, gossipers have gathered., drunkards, arrogant and arrogant.
It should also be noted that there are many cadres from Vlora and Tepelena, some with kinship and kinship with the hostile group. Some of the people who have been taken there, even to important places, although incompetent, have been taken on the basis of personal knowledge and sympathy, taking them abroad with services.
Given the impact of this activity, the conformist attitudes of friends who have dealt with staffing issues were criticized, such as. The relevant Deputy Minister, the Directors of the Staff, Petro Zisi and Ilo Manushi, for the fact that they have allowed such positions for a provincial policy.
The action of the Director of the Economic Directorate, Hajro Malile, was criticized, which has influenced the acquisition of many staff from his district, Gjirokastra. Remarks were also made about the turnover that should be made to the staff in the Ministry and not as it has been done by circulating them inside Tirana, without going to the districts.
Such a policy has been made for the Korça Branch of Internal Affairs, where many officers have been sent from Vlora, 4 of whom are from the same village of Vlora and two others from Vlora are baxhanaks. This has led to a noticeable familiarity that damages the work.
Criticism was also made of the way the branches in the High School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were divided by the relevant commission, where the children of some responsible cadres were allowed to go to the Security branch, regardless of their poor moral qualities. which had its effects at the time they came to life, while at the Border, and the Police, are generally assigned.
These enemies, even for securing the leadership of the Party, had bad intentions. which is the command that solves the problem, etc.
This shifts the leadership role of the Party, which has reflected very little in the concrete activity of the communists. This is reflected in what the communist or cadre prepares most seriously to report to the chief or in command, but does not have that preoccupation and does not feel that responsibility when reporting to the party’s grassroots organization.
Many communists in the basic organization of the Party asserted their responsibilities, seeing many issues as being contrary to the Party line, but they did not raise these problems in the Party, either in the grassroots organizations or in the higher organs of the Party. It is a fact, it was said – that we have not made any initiative report to inform the Party about the violation of laws and shortcomings in the work of sections and staff of the Internal Affairs Branch.
But even the special sections of the Branch have been a little predisposed to raise problems before the Party, to help and seek to secure its leadership, also due to the fact that some of these problems have been introduced within the framework of a closed work.
These shortcomings have also come because not and the communists have worked hard enough to raise their ideo-political level, little has been asked in this regard by the basic organizations of the Party Committee, such a thing has made them not to be in sufficient condition to capture and evaluate correctly the situations as well as the actions of these agents.
Në rregulloret ushtarake të Kufirit, nuk ka thënie të shokut Enver Hoxha, por thënie të Mehmet Shehut dhe Kadri Hazbiut, bile të nënvizuara.
– Feçor Shehu ka dhënë urdhër për tërheqje të forcave që ndiqnin bandën e Zenel Kelollit.
– Janë bërë shkelje në kufi me gjueti nga Mihallaq Ziçishti dhe ish-komandanti i Kufirit, Faslli Shahinasi dhe kanë gjuajtur me armë zjarri.
– Kuadrot e Ministrisë kur venë për kontroll me tepër i kushtojnë rëndësi dokumentacionit, se sa veprimtarisë konkrete me njerëzit.
– Kërkesat për detyrat që ndjek Policia kanë qenë më të forta nga Ministria se sa kërkesat për Sigurimin për zbulimin e spiunëve.
– Organikat e Policisë shkurtoheshin, mbrojtja e pronës nga Sigurimi i’u kalua Policisë, organikat mbetën të pandryshuara.
– Të shikohen disa akte normative të Policisë se ka prej tyre që kanë ndikuar për veprime jo të rregullta, ka edhe akte që vijonë në kundërshtim me njëra tjetrën. Ministria ka ndryshuar shumë akte normative për të vënë në korniza punën e bazës.
– Mihallaq Ziçishti ndërhyri për Thanas Andonin nga Ziçishti që të mos futej në burg dhe në gjyq, Kiço Treska e nxorri të pafajshëm.
– Në Drejtorinë e Dytë të Sigurimit të Udhëheqjes, është i quajturi Bashkim Musai, i cili ishte me grupin e shoqërimit të Mehmet Shehut dhe i kishte shkuar jo njëherë në shtëpi me peshqeshe.
– Ka shoqëruar Mehmet Shehun në Francë. Si njeri i besuar i tij ka sjellë në Tiranë njerzit e tij motër e vëlla, etj. Për Fiqërete Shehun ishte njeriu më i besuar, i cili e shoqëronte kudo. U transferua në Drejtorinë e Dytë të Sigurimit të Udhëheqjes, para vetëvrasjes së Mehmet Shehut.
– Mustafa Bakiasi, ish-sekretari i Byrosë në Drejtorinë e Dytë, u mjaftuan me shkarkimin si sekretar dhe u emërua kryetar dege po në drejtori, bile ju shtua dhe rroga. Eshtë njeri pa respekt në masë, i njohur si servil i Llambi Peçinit, Bato Karafilit dhe Feçor Shehut.
– Kritikohet Inspektoriati Rrugor që jep shumë dënime për shoferët, aq sa komisioni quhet “gjyq”.
– U bënë vërejtje për disa oficerë që sigurojnë udhëheqjen që janë të pasjellshëm dhe priren pas rraqeve dhe të ngrënave. /Memorie.al
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