By Dashnor Kaloçi
The sixth part publishes some archival documents extracted from the Central State Archive in Tirana, where the personal fund of the former first secretary of the PPSh Central Committee is located, from which we have extracted some parts from his political diary that belongs to a period of time from the beginning of January 1979 to February 1982, where the focus of his notes are the events developed in Iran, where the Islamic insurgent forces led and inspired by Ayatollah Kohmeini who managed to dethrone Shah Reza Phalevi, who, having the full support of the United States of America, was forced to leave the country by plane, arriving first in Cairo, where he was received as a personal friend by President Janwar Sadat and also, the former president of the United States of America, Zehrar Ford, (who was on a visit to Egypt those days), to then leave for the USA. After the overthrow and impeachment of Shah Reza Palehvi, in late January 1979, Ayatollah Kohmeini, the religious spiritual leader of the Shia Iranians, who was said to be leading the revolution to overthrow the Palehvi dynasty, arrived in Tehran from Paris, where he was staying for years. How he described all those events in his political diary, the leader of communist Albania, the dictator Enver Hoxha, who, among other things, says: “Shahu, to protect himself from the people, had bought from the United States of America , a large amount of the most modern weapons that they have sold abroad, he had created an army of hundreds of thousands of people, with all kinds of weapons, with airplanes, with tanks, with machine guns, with missiles of the most modern, he had built many airfields . All this was done to protect the assets of the Americans in Iran and the assets of the Shah, as well as to keep the people in misery. Of course, such a state could not continue throughout his life, although material military and political aid to the Shah came from all four corners of the world. In addition to others, even the new Chinese empire threw roses at the Shah. Hua Kuo Fen himself, went to Iran and with the greatest cordiality, talked about a: “great and healthy friendship”, with the Shah of Persia and wished long life to this powerful supplier of oil, great friends of China , the United States of America and world capitalism”.
Continues from last issue
The political diary of Enver Hoxha
The current struggle of the Afghan people against the Soviet military aggression as well as the popular anti-feudal, anti-imperialist, anti-American uprising of the Iranian people should make us think a little more and more deeply, from the political, theoretical and ideological side, about another problem. big, that in the current situations and in this complicated world development it is increasingly coming to the fore: for popular uprisings with “inspiration” as the bourgeoisie and revisionists want to define these movements only because they have been put in the vanguard of the liberation movement Muslim peoples of Arab countries and other countries.
This is a fact, an objective reality; there are insurgent movements in these countries. If we will see and judge these movements and uprisings of the Muslim peoples in a very simplistic, superficial way, as movements with a purely Islamic character, without delving into the real reasons that push the broad masses forward of the peoples, we can fall into the positions of revisionists and imperialists, whose evaluations of these movements are derogatory and hide enslaving intentions towards the peoples.
We, Marxist-Leninists, are always clear that religion is opium for the people. In no case do we change our view on it and we should not fall into the mistakes of “religious socialism”, etc. Even the Muslim religion is like that. However, we currently see that the broad masses of Muslim peoples, in Arab countries and in other countries, have risen and are rising in the war against imperialism and neo-colonialism for their national and social liberation.
These peoples, who were not without purpose left in the dark in the past, and are still today backward in their worldviews, are now feeling the great oppression and brutal exploitation that the old colonizers have done to them, which they continue to do to them even the new colonizers and the inner capitalist feudal-bourgeois cliques. They understand the political-economic reasons of oppression and, despite being Muslim and backward, they are showing great vitality and making an important contribution to the democratic-bourgeois anti-imperialist revolution that paves the way for the proletarian one.
It is the oppressive anti-people regimes and the reactionary clerics who have adopted and used the Muslim religion to exert social oppression on these peoples and exploit them in the most vicious way. They have maintained and maintain their bloody power through the weapons and support they received from outside, that is, from the predatory imperialist and neo-colonialist powers, as well as by encouraging and developing religious fanaticism.
Thus the development of events is proving more and more the Marxist-Leninist thesis that the internal enemies cooperate closely with the external enemies to oppress their own peoples and that religion is used by them as a weapon to keep people in the dark and oppress them. . The events we are living through clearly show that the Muslim Arab peoples are fighters. Their anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist and anti-feudal uprisings and wars are accompanied and end in armed clashes.
These wars and uprisings have their source in the savage oppression that is exerted on these peoples, in their freedom-loving and progressive feelings. If you are not progressive and freedom-loving, you cannot stand up in the fight for freedom and national independence, against double oppression, internal and external. Another social cause and strong incentive for anti-imperialist, anti-colonial and anti-feudal uprisings is the dire economic situation of these peoples, the hunger and suffering that burdens them.
So we cannot fail to take into consideration their political awakening, but to some extent also their social one. Taking a look at the struggle of the peoples with Muslim faith, we notice that in its development there are marked changes, there is ascent, but there is also a decline or a stay in place, there is a stalemate that is created by various factors, especially by the pseudo-progressive bourgeoisie that is located, or is placed at the head of these peoples.
Thus, for example, in Morocco there has been some movement, but the anti-feudal and anti-imperialist movement of the people of this country is not at the height of other countries, on the contrary, monarchy and feudalism dominate this people by force, with liberal pseudo-reforms, but also using religious feelings. In Algeria, the people waged a national liberation war against the French colonizers and, although it was not led by a Marxist-Leninist party, but by the national bourgeoisie, the war for national liberation ended with the departure of the foreign invaders, but it was not carried forward.
This happened because the new liberal bourgeoisie that came to power, even though the Algerian people fought a great and bloody war, hindered the progressive evolution of the country, the economic and social reforms were partial, they did not move forward and the country fell into political stagnation. economic to the disadvantage of the working masses. In Tunisia, the people seem sleepy and appear apathetic; they are not seen to wake up, however they are not that backward.
Recently there was talk of a trade union movement there, the general secretary of the trade unions was also arrested, but nothing more happened. In Egypt, in 1952, there was also a revolt. The overthrow of the Monarchy was done without bloodshed. King Farouk was driven out of Egypt by a group of officers. Those who dethroned him escorted him to Alexandria, gave him money, put him on a steamer and helped him to escape and escape. In a word, they told the Monarch to leave by himself and save his skin, because he could no longer stay in the place, he had no more roots there.
So the group of officers, with Nasser, Naguib and Sadat at the head, made a military ‘colpo di stato’, without blood, against a completely degenerate monarchy and took power. What was and what did the group of Egyptian coup officers represent? These officers were the people of the bourgeoisie, its representatives, they were anti-British, but among them there were also pro-Hitlers. Anwar al-Sadati, as I have mentioned, declares him that he collaborated with the “wolf of the desert”, the Nazi field marshal Romël. This event, that is, the expulsion of Farouk from the throne, was extremely pumped up, until it was called a “revolution”.
But from this entire Egyptian people, the working masses of this country did not have any benefit. Almost no reforms were made for the benefit of the people. Even some agrarian reform that started ended in favor of feudal lords and rich landowners. The new people who came to power, under the guise of the unity of the Arab peoples, tried to “unify” Egypt with Syria. But every effort in this direction was in vain, because even in Syria, in these times, the capitalist bourgeoisie in the leadership of the state had only changed horses and masters. The imperialist Soviet Union had replaced France there.
He sabotaged this baseless “union” and drove his nails into this country. Even in Libya, as is known, there was a revolt in 1969; the dynasty of King Idriz was overthrown and a group of new officers came to power, with Gaddafi at the head, who is removed as an anti-imperialist. This revolt, this movement, in the beginning we can describe as progressive, but later this movement became a ball and currently it has fallen into a stalemate. Gaddafi who came to power, who holds himself as the head of Islamism, used the Muslim religion to present Libya as a “progressive” country, even calling it “socialist”, but, in reality, the country’s great wealth, oil is being used for nefarious, adventurous and very dubious purposes.
Of course, due to demagoguery and because the income provided by the sale of oil is really large, some improvements have been made in the lives of the people, in the cities, but nomadism in the desert continues to be a social scourge. Gaddafi, as we know, has been a student of Nasser in politics, ideology and religious beliefs, as well as in his goals. In 1958, in the capital of Iraq, in Baghdad, there was a somewhat more advanced, more revolutionary uprising against the monarchy, which ended with the murder of King Faisal and Prime Minister Nuri Said.
The “communists” took power there with General Kasem, representative of the liberal officers. But 5 years later, in 1963, there was a coup d’état and Qasem was executed. In his place, another officer, Colonel Aref, came into power. In 1968, General Al Bakr came to power and the “Baath” party, a party of the reactionary, feudal and comprador bourgeoisie came back to power. The events taking place in Iran and Afghanistan constitute a positive example for the peoples of the neighboring countries, for Pakistan, for Saudi Arabia, for Iraq, for the Emirates of the Persian Gulf for Syria, for Egypt and many others, therefore they are considered a great danger even for the ruling cliques of some countries in this region.
So the whole Arab world is in motion, in evolution. The echo of the popular anti-feudal and anti-imperialist uprising of the Iranian people that is shaking imperialism in its economic foundations and in its ambitions for world hegemony extends to Indonesia, but there the movement is weaker than in the countries of Central Asia, the Near East and the Middle East, or even North Africa, where Islam as a religion is more compact and the wealth is greater. In these regions there is a progressive awakening of the masses, which, for now, as it is happening in Iran, is led, in general, by religious elements who know how to exploit the feelings for freedom of these peoples, their feelings against oppressive imperialism, against the monarchist leaders of their predatory, thieving and murderous feudal cliques, etc., etc.
Therefore, we must make a Marxist-Leninist analysis of these situations. We cannot accept and agree with the voices that are spreading bourgeois-revisionist propaganda, American imperialism and world capitalism such as Ayatollah Khomeini, the ixi or ipsilon in Iran are people who do not understand politics, or are as backward as Imams were Ali, Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein. This is not true. On the contrary, the facts show that people like him know how to properly use the current movement of these peoples, which in essence and in fact is a progressive, democratic-bourgeois and anti-imperialist movement.
These movements, in various ways and means, are trying to support and make them their own, for their own purposes, even the various imperialists and social-imperialists. But they are currently in their disfavor, they are against them. This is so true that the Soviet social-imperialists were forced to send their tank regiments and tens of thousands of Soviet soldiers into Afghanistan, to carry out, in a word, an open fascist aggression against an independent country, to put kept in power their domestic puppets, who were unable to maintain power without the help of bayonets and tanks of the Soviet army, the armed forces of the Soviet Union.
It is understood that this event, this armed Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, would cause reactions and concerns in international public opinion, would cause great anger and hatred among the freedom-loving peoples and progressive forces, and, from a strategic point of view, nervousness among their rivals. for hegemony, especially in the United States of America. In fact, we are noticing that these days the American President Carter seems to be trying to move, apparently to make some difficulties for the Soviet Union and to strengthen its positions which are constantly weakening, he wants to take measures to prevent a possible Soviet invasion of Pakistan, or, rather, to prevent the exploitation by the Soviet social-imperialists, for their purposes, of the anti-imperialist revolutionary sentiments of the Muslim people of Pakistan.
The Pakistani people sympathize with the anti-imperialist movement of their Iranian neighbors and may resemble there what is happening in Iran. Precisely, in order to face this eventuality, the United States of America and its President Carter have proposed to the Pakistani government to send 50,000 soldiers to Pakistan and increase the supply of weapons, supposedly to face the Soviet threat.
The United States of America also sent its Defense Minister to China to concretize and activate the Sino-American alliance. During this visit, both sides expressed their concern about the expansion of the expansion of the Soviet social-imperialists in this region and, related to this, their determination to protect their own and each other’s imperialist interests.
The United States of America promised China the most sophisticated modern weapons. But is there a Soviet threat to Pakistan? Yes, it exists. Except in Pakistan, anger against Zia ul Haq, coupled with sympathy for Khomeini, could erupt even without Soviet intervention. Zia ul Haq himself, to escape Soviet pressure and the uprising of the Pakistani people, can join the Soviets and they thus justify their intervention in this country. Therefore, the United States of America is activating its military pacts with Pakistan.
Carter tries to maintain the balance, because an intervention of the Soviet Union in Pakistan poses a danger to American imperialism in this region of the world. Carter has and should have influence in Pakistan also for the reason that this country has a “defense treaty” with the United States of America. In addition, Carter, in the new situations that have been created these days in Central Asia, also sees other dangers, such as the return to power of Indira Gandhi, who is following her pro-Soviet policy.
In the event that the Soviets manage to strengthen their position in India, which is in conflict with Pakistan, the latter may be more vulnerable on the part of the Soviets, in a word; the penetration of influence increases and becomes easier soviet there. Here, then, is why the American imperialists want to get ahead of the eventuality of a military intervention or the increase of the influence of the Soviet Union in Pakistan. On the other hand, the United States is very concerned about the possibility of Soviet pressure on Iran under the pretext of helping against the threats posed to this country by American imperialism.
It is clear that the peoples of this region are Muslims, and when we say this, we mean the fact that most of them believe, but their faith is relative and does not dominate politics. There are also progressive people there who believe and respect the Koran and religion more as a habit and a tradition. When we talk about the vast majority, we mean that part of the people to whom the Muslim religion has been presented as a liberal, progressive religion that serves the interests of the people and that everything that is preached in its name, “is for their good” “, because “making ablutions, praying, fasting is for the good of health, physical strengthening and spiritual satisfaction of man” etc., etc.
In a word, people are told that the rites of this religion “are useful” not only for this life, but also for the “next life”, after death. And this is preached openly. But misery and oppression, school and some political development, have shaken the foundations of this faith. In general, from all these events and developments, we see that both imperialists and social-imperialists have difficult positions in these regions of the world.
It is understandable that even their puppets have difficult positions. Both for the first and for the second, these very difficult positions are caused by the revolutionary, progressive, anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist and anti-feudal movement of the popular masses of the Arab Muslim peoples, whether they are Shiites or Sunnis.
The next issue follows