1948 – The famous Honda engine and car company is founded in Tokyo. Created by Soiciro Honda and Takeo Fujisawa, this company would soon become one of the most famous worldwide for its auto-sports and sports engine products. In the last year alone, this company would have a budget of about $ 16 trillion. It operates in nearly 22 countries around the world as a distributor of patents for its products. Cars and engines of this brand are also sold in over 50 other countries.
1950 – Chingana fire occurs in eastern Canada. As a result of the fires, 3.2 million hectares of forests would be burned. In this way the smoke and smog would spread not only on Canadian territory but also in the American one as well, as far as Western Europe. Countries such as Scotland, Iceland, France, and the Netherlands, would suffer significantly from the presence of smoke, for days on their shores. This fire would be caused as a result of high atmospheric temperatures in this area.
1954 – Famous Italian footballer and coach Marco Tardelli is born in Careggine. Tardelli, in his sporting career, would make his debut for 10 years with the Juventus team and then for almost two years with Inter. He will also be remembered as one of the most prominent players of the Italian National Team especially in Spain 1982. In this world championship, he will in the final against Germany, would score the winning goal. Tardelli would also lead the Inter team, as well as the national teams of Egypt and Ireland.
1960 – USS Enterprise aircraft carrier becomes the world’s first naval structure capable of carrying a nuclear bomb. During the Missile Crisis in Cuba, this aircraft carrier would play a key role in managing and preventing a possible military conflict. Because because it would be deployed on the coastal border between the US and Cuba. It is 342 m long and weighs 94,000 tons.
1973 – Guinea Bissau, an African country, declares independence from Portugal after a 12-year war. Its first leader would be Luis Cabral. Cabral would be the brother of one of the heroes of the Guinean resistance to the Portuguese colonial occupation, Amilcar Cabral. Guinness Bissau would soon face severe economic and social difficulties, which would make this country one of the least developed in the world.
1982 – Sarah Churchill, the daughter of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, dies at the age of 67. During World War II, Sarah would engage in the Women’s Volunteer Battalion in military aviation. She would be with her father during his visits to Cairo, Tehran, and Yalta. She would then rehearse her career as an actress in the films, He Found a Star, Fatal Symphony, Royal Wedding, Serious Charge, etc. Sarah Churchill would also be known for her alcohol problems.
1993 – In Cambodia, after 5 years of dictatorship of Pol Pot dictator and after 13 years of civil conflict, the kingdom is re-established. Its king, Norodom Sihanouk, would be crowned Indochina’s impoverished state. Sihanouk for years would move around different countries of the world expelled by the Khmer Rouge. He would be hosted by a range of leaders around the world. Only in Albania he, together with his wife Monika would come twice.