1886 – Born in Korça, Dhimitër Berati, who was a signatory of the Declaration of Independence of Albania, Albanian politician and diplomat. In 1937 he was the leader of the group that published the two-volume book “Albania in 1937”, while his two-volume work “Albania” remained in manuscript. He completed his higher studies at the Faculty of Political and Administrative Sciences and at the Faculty of Law in Bucharest. He returned to his homeland in 1907 and worked as an Albanian language teacher and director of a night school. In November 1912 he organized the meeting in Bucharest, where he was elected delegate of the colony in the Assembly of Vlora and joined the group of Ismail Qemali. Later he was the director of the newspaper “Përlindja e Shqipniës” and the secretary of the diplomatic mission of Ismail Qemali. In the years 1913 – 1914 he was the chief administrator of the hospitals of Albania. In 1914 he emigrated again to Romania. In 1924 – 1925 he was appointed Consul General in Sofia and in 1926 he returned to the post of secretary of the legation. In 1929 – 1932 he was reappointed head of the Political Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 1932-34 general secretary of the ministry, in 1934 – 1936 Minister of National Economy and Deputy Minister of Education. In 1936-37 he returned as general secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and from 1937 to 1939 he was the minister of Albania in Rome. Remains then on the lists of the Liquidation Office. On the eve of the complete establishment of the communist regime, he left Albania and settled in Rome, where he wrote many articles in the magazine “Shejzat” directed by Ernest Koliqi. He passed away on September 8, 1970.
1940 – Executed by Franco’s nationalist troops, President of the Province of Catalonia Lluis Companys. Compnys, was elected by unanimous vote by the Parliament of Catalonia as its leader in 1933. He would manage to declare a referendum on the independence of the province from official Spain. At the same time Lluis Companys would support the political left spectrum during the Civil War in this country. After Francisco Franco’s triumph in 1939, he would be arrested and shot at Montjuic Castle in Barcelona.
1944 – Born in Viçidol, Sali Berisha, an Albanian cardiologist and politician who served as Albania’s second president from 1992-1997, and the first president elected by a parliament to emerge from free democratic elections after the fall of the communist regime. Berisha was also the Prime Minister of Albania from 2005 to 2013. He was the chairman of the Democratic Party twice, in the period 1991-1992 and again from 1997 to 2013. Passionate about literature and history, in 1963 he began his medical studies at the University of Tirana, where he graduated in 1967. In 1978 he won a nine-month scholarship from UNESCO for advanced studies and training in Paris. After successfully completing his advanced studies in Paris, he ran a research program on hemodynamics. In the 1970s he was appointed professor at the University of Tirana. During the years 1980 – 1990 he published study books, university textbooks and scientific articles in the field of cardiology at home and abroad. In 1986 he was elected a member of the Copenhagen-based European Committee for Medical Research for Medical Research. In 1989 he was awarded the title of Professor at the University of Tirana. On April 23, 1996 he was awarded the Cavaliere di Gran Croce decoration decorato di Gran Cordone dell’Ordine, by the President of the Italian Republic. In 2009 the University of Prishtina awarded PM Berisha the title Doctor honoris causa.
1945 – French Prime Minister Pierre Laval is executed for high treason. Shortly after the liberation of this country by the resistance forces in cooperation with those allied, Laval was arrested, tried and shot in the Fresne prison on the outskirts of Paris. During the German occupation, he led the government of Vichy, where he had ordered the shooting of Jews and French partisans. He would be the first French collaborationist politician to be executed, after Marshall Petten was pardoned on the last day turning his death sentence into life imprisonment.
1968 – Born in Bayonne, France, one of the country’s greatest footballers and coaches, Didier Deschamps. During his sporting career, Deschamps has made his debut for Marseille, Bordeaux, Juventus, and Chelsea. He would also be proclaimed World Champion in 1998 and Europe in 2000 with the French national team. At the same time in 2016 he would declare France World Champion again, but this time as coach. He has won 35 national and international sports awards.
1986 – Ndërron jetë Metush Krasniqi, një atdhetar që gëzonte një autoritet të madh në mesin e rinisë shkollore dhe universitare në Kosovëe në Maqedoni, ai kishte formuar një rreth të gjerë shokësh besnik, ishin ata si : Hasan Dermaku, Rexhep Mala e Skënder Kastrati, Njazi Korça nga Gëmica, Kadri Zeka nga Poliçka, Ethem e Fehmi Bajrami nga Malisheva e Gjilanit ; Rexhep Elmazi e Rafet Bajrami nga Gjilani ; Jusuf Gërvalla, Zeqir Gërvallën e Sabri Novosellën në Prishtinë, Shefqet Jasharin e shumë të tjerë. Në vitin 1976 Metush Krasniqi, vihet në krye të Organizatës “Lëvizja Nacional-Çlirimtare e Kosovës dhe e Viseve tjera Shqiptare në Jugosllavi” LNÇKVSHJ. Gjatë atyre viteve bënë përpjekje për bashkimin e të gjitha grupeve ilegale në një organizatë të fuqishme. Metush Krasniqi gjatë viteve të 80-ta punoi në ilegalitet të thellë, por megjithatë UDB-a përmes informatoreve shqiptar, dinte për aktivitetin e Metushit dhe më 4 nëntor1981 sërish burgoset, torturohet rëndë nga udbashi i Anamoravës Selim Brosha e shume të tjerë. Pas katër muaj lirohet në gjendje të rëndë shëndetësore. Më 4 nëntor1985, Metush Krasniqi, sërish burgoset dhe gjatë shtatë muaj e pesëmbëdhjetë ditëve sa e mbajtën në burgjet e Prishtinës e të Mitrovicës, rrahet e torturohet në mënyrat më mizore. Pasi ishte i dërmuar për vdekje UDB-a më 16 qershor 1986 e liron nga burgu dhe më 15 tetor 1986 ky atdhetar i devotshëm duke mos pasur shërim ndërroi jetë. Varrimi i tij u bë në fshatin e lindjes në Dajkoc.
1990 – Presidenti i Bashkimit Sovjetik, Mikhail Gorbachev, do të nderohej me çmimin Nobel për Paqjen. Gorbachev-i pas ngjitjes së tij në pushtet në vitin 1985, do të shpallte krijimin e dy programeve ekonomik-sociale me karakter liberal. Të quajtura Glasnost dhe Perestroika, këto programe e kthyen me shpejtësi Bashkimin Sovjetik nga një vënd me ekonomi të centralizuar, në një vënd me ekonomi të tregut të lirë. Vetë-vetiu këto çuan edhe në shëmbjen e komunizmit dhe në shpërbërjen paqësore të BRSS-së.
2013 – Në Filipine të Azisë Jug-lindore do të biente një tërmet me magnitudë 7.2 ballë të shkallës Rihter dhe Mercalli të kombinuara së bashku. Pas këtyre lëkundjeve, do të kishte disa mini-tsuname. Dëmet e këtij tërmeti do të ishin të mëdha pasi, 222 vetë do të humbnin jetën dhe mbi 1000 të tjerë do të plagoseshin. Afro 25 mijë do të ngeleshin të pastrehë. Dëmet materiale do të llogariteshin në disa qindra miliona dollar. Ky do të ishte një nga tërmetet më të rënda në historinë e këtij vëndi.