Historical Calendar 22 October
1883 - The Metropolitan Opera House is inaugurated in New York, USA. This building was an opera house located at...
1883 - The Metropolitan Opera House is inaugurated in New York, USA. This building was an opera house located at...
Esat Myftari Memorie.al publishes the unknown story of Esat Myftari, originally from Peja, who was in the high school benches...
1940 - Famous American writer Ernest Hemingway publishes his work For Whom the Bell Tolls. In this book he describes...
Memorie.al/The secret report of the former director of the Institute of Language and History, professor Androkli Kostallari, is published, addressed...
Esat Myftari Memorie.al publishes the unknown story of Esat Myftari, originally from Peja, who was in the high school benches...
1900 - Albanian poet and writer Naim Frashëri, one of the most prominent representatives of the National Renaissance and the...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al publishes the full letter of the former Minister of Defense, Beqir Balluku to Enver Hoxha, dated September...
Nga Esat Myftari Memorie.al publishes the unknown story of Esat Myftari, originally from Peja, who was in high school benches...
1920 - Born in the village of Gllavicica (Shengjon-Kokaj) near Peja, Mark Krasniqi, professor, academic, politician and Albanian writer from...
Esat Myftari Memorie.al publishes the unknown story of Esat Myftari, originally from Peja, who was in the high school benches...
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