Historical Calendar 30 October
1944 - During the Holocaust, Anne and Margot Frank are sent by Auschwitz to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. They will...
1944 - During the Holocaust, Anne and Margot Frank are sent by Auschwitz to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. They will...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al publishes the testimony of the former senior military, retired lieutenant colonel, Gani Elezi, one of the officers...
Saimir Maloku Memorie.al/publikon some of the unknown stories of Sajmir Maloku, a former military engineer who graduated with a 'Gold...
1923 - Turkey is proclaimed a Republic after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. The Treaty of Lausanne of July...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al publishes the unknown story of aviator Bego Hoxha, originally from the village of Tërbaç in Vlora, who...
By Saimir Maloku Memorie.al/ publishes some of the unknown stories of Saimir Maloku, a former military engineer who graduated with...
1922 - Italian fascists, led by Benito Mussolini, march on Rome and dominate the Italian government. This march was a...
1952 - Francis Fukuyama, American-Japanese political scientist, economist, and writer, is born in Chicago. Fukuyama is best known for his...
Sajmir Maloku Memorie.al publishes some of the unknown stories of Sajmir Maloku, a former military engineer who graduated with a...
By Dashnor KALOÇI Memorie.al/ publishes a correspondence of official letters from 1976, where the Party Committees of Korça and Tirana...
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