Historical Calendar 18 November
1903 - The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty is signed between the United States and Panama, giving the United States exclusive rights over...
1903 - The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty is signed between the United States and Panama, giving the United States exclusive rights over...
By Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al brings excerpts from the memoirs of the famous Hollywood actor of Albanian origin, Bekim Fehmiu, published...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al publishes the secret report of the State Security realized through the Directorate of Intelligence at the Ministry...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al/ publishes the rare testimony of Islam Lleshi, former exponent of the Nationalist Youth of Balli Kombëtar during...
Memorie.al/ During the period of the Monarchy, in addition to numerous office jobs where he stayed over 14 hours a...
Memorie.al Rare photos are published with shocking images of socialist Albania in the late '80s and early' 90s with the...
Memorie.al/ publishes for the first time three rare photos of the "Meeting of 81 Communist Parties" in Moscow of the...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al/ publishes the unknown story of the Butka family with early origin from the village of Frashër i...
1947 - American scientists John Bardeen and Walter Houser Brattain observe the basic principles of the transistor, a key element...
Ekrem Spahiu 124th birthday, October 8, 1895-2019 The President of the Republic of Albania, on the occasion of the 100th...
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