Historical Calendar 3 December
1927 - "Putting Pants on Philip", the first film by Oliver Hardy and Stan Laurel, is released in the United...
1927 - "Putting Pants on Philip", the first film by Oliver Hardy and Stan Laurel, is released in the United...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al/ publishes the story of the former Commander of the Army Anti-Aircraft Artillery, Fadil Toçi, one of the...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al/ publishes the unknown history of the elections of December 2, 1945 when out of 108 candidates for...
Sherif Delvina Memori.al/ publishes the unknown story of Sulejman Delvina, one of the suckers of the famous Delvinjote family, who...
1908 - Puyi becomes Emperor of China at the age of two. Puyi, will also be remembered, as the last...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al/ publishes the story of Colonel Ahmet Mehmeti, a former senior military officer in the Ministry of Defense...
Sherif Delvina Memori.al/ publishes the unknown story of Sulejman Delvina, one of the suckers of the famous Delvinjote family, who...
Dashnor Kaloçi Memorie.al /publishes the unknown report of the Romanian journalist Dr. Vlad Banateanu, correspondent of the newspaper "Cuvantul" of...
1822 - Pedro I of Portugal is crowned King of Brazil. He would lead the Orleans-Braganza dynasty, in the giant...
Dashnoe Kaloçi Memorie.al publishes the unknown story that took place on November 28, 1944 in the village of Xhan in...
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