Historical Calendar June 20
1895 - The Kiel Canal is officially opened, crossing the base of the Jutland Peninsula and the world's busiest artificial...
1895 - The Kiel Canal is officially opened, crossing the base of the Jutland Peninsula and the world's busiest artificial...
1867 - Maximilian I of the Second Mexican Empire is executed by a firing squad in Queretaro. He was, the...
From Përparim Hysi Memorie.al / Durim F., became as if with wings when he received the news that he would...
By David Binder -The American newspaper brings the profile of the well-known Albanian painter, who was punished with political prison...
1900 - China's Dowager Cixi Empire orders the killing of all foreign nationals, including diplomats and their families. Dowager Cixi,...
From Luftar Pepmarku Memorie.al / "I cannot leave without mentioning the tragic episode of my two close friends, Ibrahim Nezha...
1922 - Portuguese aviators Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral complete the first South Atlantic Air Passage. Although the North Atlantic...
Memorie.al / Kolonjë. It was April 11, 1985. In Erseka hospital, something unusual was happening. First, a cry was heard...
1911 - IBM is founded as the New York-based Computing and Informatics Recording Company. It is an American company, with...
Memorie.al / Today's high school students, boys and girls, who unfortunately are regular users of alcohol or tobacco, I can't...
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