Historical Calendar June 25
1910 - Igor Stravinsky's ballet The Firebird premieres in Paris, making Stravinsky one of the world's greatest composers. Ballet has...
1910 - Igor Stravinsky's ballet The Firebird premieres in Paris, making Stravinsky one of the world's greatest composers. Ballet has...
By Selim Mustafa Hasanaj The third part Memorie.al / I will write from my memory, even though almost three decades...
1932 - A bloodless revolution instigated by the People's Party ends the absolute power of King Prajadhipok of Siam (now...
By Selim Hasanaj Second part Memorie.al / I will write from my memory, even though almost three decades have passed....
1940 - Henry Larsen begins the first successful west-east navigation of Northwest Passage from Vancouver to British Columbia, Canada. This...
By Selim Hasanaj The first part Memorie.al / I will write from my memory, even though almost three decades have...
1911 - George V and Mary of Teck are crowned kings and queens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain...
From Përparim Hysi Memorie.al / Major Zeqir Bahiti, I knew him in Shengjin, when I went to perform military service....
1942 - A Japanese submarine appears near the Columbia River in Oregon during World War II, firing 17 missiles at...
- The beginning of protests in the centers described as anti-communist, Shkodër and Kavajë and the efforts to block them....
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