Dashnor Kaloçi
Part twenty-one
Memorie.al publishes some documents issued by the Central State Archive (fund of the former Central Committee of the ALP), where there is a voluminous file with archival materials which bear the logo ‘Top secret’, which belong to the period of years 1981-1982, with reports, reports, evidence, information, minutes of the meetings of the Politburo and the secretariat of the Central Committee of the ALP, etc., starting from what was held to review and analyze the self-criticism of the former Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu in December 1981, because he had allowed the engagement of his son, Skënder, “with a girl who had some political fugitives in her family circle”, the marathon meeting of the Politburo on the afternoon of December 17 his year that continued until the late hours of that night, where that problem was discussed with the debates and discussions of all members who “crucified” former Prime Minister Shehu, the meeting of the morning of December 18, after the news that Prime Minister Mehme t Shehu had killed himself, the marathon meeting of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the ALP on September 20, 1982, with the topic: “Analysis of serious mistakes of Kadri Hazbiu, committed during the period when he was deputy minister and minister of Internal Affairs ”, where Enver Hoxha initially started accusing Kadri Hazbiu, luring him as a“ loyalist of the Party ”, (in order for him to“ open his heart to the Party ”, speaking against former Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu) , where at the beginning of his speech, Enver said: “After the coup in the army, we discovered the traitorous group in economics of Abdyl Këllez, Koço Theodhos and Kiço Ngjela with friends. We also discovered this group here; it was not discovered by the State Security. The same can be said about the discovery of the group of Fadil Paçrami, Todi Lubonja and a number of other people connected with them, such as Ismail Kadareja with friends, the Security did not reveal, but that hostile work was discovered by the Committee Central ”, etc.! All these and other documents with the logo ‘Top secret’, will be published in several issues in a row, exclusively by Memorie.al
Continued from the previous issue
The ‘Top Secret’ document with the correspondence between Enver Hoxha and Mehmet Shehu on October 19 and 28, 1981, after the self-criticism of former Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu, sent to Enver Hoxha and the Politburo of the Central Committee of the ALP, regarding the engagement of to his son, Skënder, with “a girl with a very bad political make-up”!
Top secret
“Draft-self-criticism” (“First self-criticism”) that Mehmet Shehu sent to comrade Enver Hoxha and “Autocriticism” (second variant) to comrade Enver Hoxha and comrades of the Politburo of the Central Committee as well as the minutes of the meeting Politburo of the Central Committee of the ALP, dated 17 – 18 December 1981: For the analysis of the serious mistake made by the former member of the Politburo, Mehmet Shehu, regarding the engagement of a boy with a girl with a very bad political composition .
The archival document with the letter of the former Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu, sent to Enver Hoxha and the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the ALP, where his second self-criticism is, regarding the “mistake he had made for the engagement of his second son, Skënder, with the daughter of prof. Qazim Turdiut”!
There have been times when I have had to consciously be impulsive. Even explosive, and because in these special cases, this has always been done against the enemy during the National Liberation War, or in some cases, even in the fight against modern revisionists. But while in those cases I mentioned the decision had to be made quickly but fairly, here, in the case of my son’s engagement, which bears no resemblance to the situation of armed war and other cases where the decision had to be made quickly , in this case had to be judged necessarily laid out, without haste, calmly, being well measured.
Here my haste was not only unnecessary, but also harmful, in the first place for the interests of the Party, because the principle of class warfare, of the Party, was violated, and if it was not corrected, as it was corrected, it could have a negative effect also to others, in the application of the criteria and class principles of the Party, in cases of marital relations. And I deeply understand how harmful such an action would be if it were not rectified, as it was rectified, with the help of the Party, personally of Comrade Enver. That is why I am also fully determined never to make a mistake similar to it, of that nature and category.
In this case, I assure Comrade Enver and all the other comrades of the Politburo, that in the future, this negative element of my character, I will fight vigorously, I assure you that I will always be sober and patient, when not in a hurry, in making a decision, of course, without being too hesitant and slow in cases where the situation requires a quick and decisive decision to be made.
- I think another negative element that led me to the grave mistake I made, for my son’s engagement, was, perhaps, the feeling that “I have immunity”, to the influence of the class enemy, to opportunism, to the right-wing danger.
In the decision I made, for the engagement of the boy with the daughter of Qazim Turdiu, I thought that, since “the girl is good and has a good moral-political attitude”, as I was informed, while her close family does not hold about her hostile relative “, – in these conditions, I thought then,” there is no way that girl can influence our family for bad, but, on the contrary, we will influence her for good. “, Without delving into this case, in addition to others, as I said above, also in what negative effect this wrong action of mine would have on others, in the implementation of the actions of the Party, in the class struggle , in cases of marriages, or in other cases.
I think that this misconception of mine, lies on the wrong ideological background of “my immunization, from the influence of the class enemy”, and I think that this feeling of immunization, has its source in what, throughout my life as a communist, I I have not been criticized for opportunistic errors in the class struggle of this degree and of this nature, such as my present error concerning the engagement of the son.
I cannot say that the feeling of immunization against the influence of hostile ideology, has been and is consciously crystallized in me, but to one degree or another, even in the embryo, it seems that it has existed, as also proved with the fact that the boy is engaged to Qazim Turdiu’s daughter.
If this feeling of immunization, against the influence of hostile ideology, was allowed to emerge from the embryonic state, to sprout, and from the sprout to grow and generalize “to flourish” then it would definitely lead to ordinary, opportunistic and liberal, which would pose a danger to the Party. But I would never allow this in myself and I would definitely erase it, as I am erasing this feeling from the embryo. Of course I will fight and eradicate this harmful feeling, first of all through the care and struggle that I have to do in myself, so that in any case, in every action and attitude of mine, I will be protected from any such feeling foreign.
It must be this sense of immunity as well as the micro-bourgeois sentimentality towards the children, who have caused me to have that attitude, to be harsh outside the family, to happen in the family to be gentle and tolerant. I am not saying that I did not develop the class struggle in these directions even within the family, sometimes I even went to extremes, to the point of harshness, towards the families in this war, but it, the class struggle within the family, was not developed by my side, with pedagogical and family methods necessary and apparently, here within the family, it has not been to the right degree, to give the right effect. Even in this regard, I will fight resolutely, to definitely improve the situation and I am convinced that it will improve and come to the ideological front, with families fully in line with Party norms.
- Another factor, or negative element of my character that I think has influenced and led me to the mistake I made, has been both subjectivism and bias. I have always tried not to fall into subjectivism and one-sidedness. But life has shown, as the case of my recent mistake shows that my efforts and struggle in this direction have not been to the right degree, to lead to me never falling into subjectivism and one-sidedness. , i.e., in the metaphysical method, of looking at this matter.
Looking at the case of Qazim Turdiu’s daughter and her family has its source in the metaphysical way and method, which I used in this case, in the subjectivism in examining this issue and this shows that I am completely free from subjectivism in judging people and that he, subjectivism, in one way or another, happens to be present in my judgment, in particular cases of issues and phenomena. I cannot say that the metaphysical method, one-sidedness and subjectivism, characterize my whole life and revolutionary judgment, but I say that, subjectivism and one-sidedness, still exist in me.
If I had put in the balance of the trial of the case of Qazim Turdiu’s family all the complex aspects of this case, as I should have come, but I did not put them, for the reasons I said, then I would definitely find out that while the “positive” side of this family weighed, say, a gram, its negative sides weighed 10 tons and then, I would open my eyes and give up the wrong conclusion to approve my son’s engagement to the girl of Qazim Turdi. I assure you that even in this aspect of the issue, in order to fight and eradicate this negative element of thought and action, I will make radical turns and that I will never make mistakes in which subjectivism and bias in judging issues.
- In a negative factor or element that may have led to the fact that any friend or special people who could have found out about the action that was being taken to connect my son’s engagement with Qazim Turdi’s daughter before this engagement was concretized and did not come to me, on their initiative, to signal me or to criticize me for the wrong step I was taking in this case, I think it is also such an element of my character, as is the lack, in many cases of tact necessary that is practiced by me especially in demanding accountability for the implementation of tasks, which is also related to my abducted temperament.
Of course, accountability for the implementation of decisions we must necessarily seek. This is what the Party and Comrade Enver teach us, this is dictated by life itself. But Comrade Enver’s party teaches us that they also order us that the request for an account should be made with the right tact, with party methods, that we request the account properly and that the critic be corrected, but also that he be encouraged to eliminate the shortcomings and not that he be killed spiritually.
I cannot say that my whole method of account search is wrong, but I say that there are exaggerations; there are also cases of excessive severity, which in some cases, and exceeds the limits of the right method to be used in account search. The method of holding accountable for the performance of duties not always with the proper tact on my part towards subordinates there have been cases that have even killed the criticized person, despite the fact that the criticism may have been right. Of course, to these comrades who have even been spiritually killed by my criticism, which has been done without proper tact, when the occasion has arisen, I have apologized with complete sincerity. And it is in my nature that I very quickly regret when I reach such an exaggeration. The sooner I get hot in such cases, the sooner I regret it. I quickly regret in these cases, so much so that it happens that even sleep does not bother me until I apologize, personally or even publicly, to the affected friend, when the occasion was.
I would like to say that I think that my lack of proper tact in requesting accountability for the implementation of tasks, which is sometimes even harsh, is one of the reasons for the fact that my friends are reluctant to point out to me that flaws, to criticize me in due time for my mistakes, such as e.g. also the case of not pointing out the shortcomings they have noticed in the development of the class war in the family on my part, of which I spoke above. I will try and fight with all my might to rectify this situation, to acquire the proper tact in making criticism and to be held accountable for the performance of duties, and I am confident that I will rectify it, first and foremost with conscience and with my own efforts, but also with the help of friends. And in order to be able to encourage the criticism of my friends towards me, I will try on the one hand, to make more self-criticism of my mistakes, shortcomings and shortcomings and on the other hand, to send them more attention and care remarks, opinions and criticisms of others.
- Closing me when it comes to family matters I think is another negative element that influenced me in making the mistake I am talking about. I say this because I am fully convinced that the mistake they made would surely have been avoided if I had consulted with Comrade Enver, or even with another friend, or if he had been advised, say Fiqreti with Comrade Nexhmije or and with any other friend, before we decided on the boy engagement. But then I thought, “Do not bother Comrade Enver about such an issue.” And I thought so starting from the judgment and feeling that all my assessment of the issue of the engagement that was made seemed to me right, starting from that wrong point of view I said – metaphysical, subjectivist, sentimental micro-bourgeois. Even in this matter I influenced Fiqret for bad.
But, when Comrade Enver shook me, then it became quite clear to me whether at the basis of this mistake I made, there was also the misconception that “family issues are family issues”, while “social issues are social issues”. I know in theory that family issues are also social issues and for us communists they are also party issues and they are not separated and cannot be separated from each other. And starting from the same mistake, it was reached in its further deepening by me, so that comrade Enver and comrade Ramiz, knowing nothing about the bad family circle of Qazim Turdi, never going to think that I will to have tied the engagement of the son with the daughter of a family with a bad political-social composition, with a hostile circle, they came as friends and brothers, and congratulated me on the engagement (and on the house that the Party rebuilt me), for which I am guilty and I apologize to them with communist sincerity and a murdered conscience. Memorie.al
The next issue follows