publishes some rare photos belonging to the period of the First World War (in the years 1914 – 1917), which present us with some unknown images of warships and crusaders of some of the great powers of European states that at that time were approached the Port of Durrës, such as: British warship ‘HMS, Defense’, French warship, ‘Edgar Quinet’, German warship, ‘Breslau’, Italian warship, ‘Beghazi’, Russian warship, ‘Teretz’, which came there in 1914. Unknown images of the Dutch warship, where some sailors on board are drawing the eagle ‘on the flag of the Albanian Principality’! As well as the Italian warship that came to the shores of the Port of Durres in 1916, to take and evacuate Esat Pasha Toptan, together with the Serbian troops that accompanied him…!