Dashnor Kaloçi
Memorie.al publishes an archival document with the initials “Top secret” extracted from the archives of the former State Security where the two senior cadres of the Central Committee of the ALP covering the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Major General Rexhep Kolli and Colonel Vilson Pecani, inform the secretary of the Central Committee of the ALP, Hysni Kapon, regarding the situation in the Internal Affairs Branch of Peshkopi district, where as the main problem they have raised the issue of the agency network of State Security collaborators, such as: “Besnik”, “Lisi”, “Rubiku”, “Mali”, “Referi i vogel”, “Shkencëtari” etc., and the operative workers who worked with them, mainly in the city and in the border areas…
Given the geographical position of the Peshkopi district in the north-east of the country, having a long border line with the neighboring state of the former Yugoslavia, the attention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Directorate of State Security was very larger than other districts of the country that did not carry the same problems that border districts had. Among other things, this is made known by a series of archival documents with the logo “Top Secret”, where senior staff of the Central Committee of the ALP covering the Ministry of Internal Affairs and State Security, with numerous teams have organized periodic inspections in the Peshkopi district, focusing mainly on the work of the Internal Affairs Branch covering the State Security sector and its agency network. Related to this is the report-information of the State Security Directorate dated April 4, 1960, signed by Major General Rexhep Kolli and Colonel Vilsoin Pecani, who at that time worked in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the ALP in the sector of the organs of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, a sector which was also subordinated to the Ministry of Interior and also to the State Security. The two senior cadres of the Central Committee of the ALP, in the control they have made at the Internal Branch of the district of Peshkopi, have found “a series of shortcomings and weaknesses”, mainly with the network of agents and the work of operational workers with collaborators which they immediately informed their superiors and specifically, Hysni Kapon, who also put the relevant note on that document, writing there what instructions he had given to Kadri Hazbi regarding the problems that were posed in that report that is published exclusively for Memorie.al
Tirana, on April 29, 1960
From 12.IV.1960 until 19.IV.1960 the condition and activity of the Security work in the Branch of Internal Affairs Peshkopi was analyzed and we found that:
During 1959 and in the first quarter of this year, the working condition of the Security compared to 1958 where major weaknesses were identified, there are significant improvements, which are the most important:
- Work with the agency has improved, new recruitments have been made where it did not exist, B.P. (Security collaborators, our note), excluded, who were needed and 12 recruitments were made with compromising material.
- 15 enemy elements have been arrested as a result of intelligence processing.
- Effective work has been done in terms of avoiding escapes, which has resulted in far fewer escapes from previous years. For example, while in 1958 34 people fled to Yugoslavia, in 1959 only 6 people, and this year no one escaped.
- The method of work has been improved in several directions, both in helping the base and in the systematization of records. But in addition to these results in the Peshkopi District Security, there are still many weaknesses and shortcomings, of which the most prominent are:
- Analyzing the problems of the Branch, the processing and the agency, it is concluded that from the second half of the year onwards, there is a decrease in the work of the Branch staff. This decrease is reflected by the fact that:
- Conflicts and negligence in the implementation of tasks by many operational workers and lack of control and accountability are confirmed.
- The main problems of the Branch are left to the operational workers of the localities who are in charge, while the apparatus (sections) that have more experienced operational workers, are almost completely freed from the processing, which has the main issues in the field and below and not in the city of Peshkopi. Thus, the Chief of Section III, together with two Operational Workers, do not pursue any active processing themselves. In connection they have agency only with informant, without any agent. The Chief of Section I together with two Operational Workers, follow only three active elaborations. The Chief of Border Detection has left the important processing to the operational worker of the areas. This condition is explained by the fact of self-satisfaction for some achieved results, which has removed them from the main work issues. This very negative side has greatly influenced the weakening of the agency work and the worst is that it has not been caught and put in place by the leadership of the Branch.
- The Internal Branch of Peshkopi has important data on the activity of the enemy, especially in terms of elements who are fully suspected as agents in the service of Yugoslav intelligence, but unfortunately in many cases these data have not been systematically followed with measures. operating agencies, missing the hand of responsibilities.
Thus e.g. the processing in the direction of Zija Tafçi, Jaruk Salihu, Xhedvdet Hunës, Qazim Strazimir, and others were not actively followed.
Failure to actively follow the data of the agency, the agency processing, the implementation of the plan of measures, has made it impossible to recognize the activity of the enemy to the required degree, especially the Yugoslav Intelligence.
Also, not properly following and recognizing the activity of the enemy in the direction of agricultural cooperatives, having no active processing in the direction of the 76 kulaks of this district, Sector III analyzes the work, on hostile appearances and damage to agricultural cooperatives and instead of extracting the causes and sources of this activity from the work of the enemy element and from the weaknesses of our work, he erroneously derives these as the cause of the principal errors of the presidency, the grassroots organizations, the Executive Committee and the Party Committee, who do not belong at all to analyze our organs.
- Cases of violation of the platform of our bodies were found. Here are the concrete facts:
The Party Secretary has approved in writing the recruitment of a resident, host and some informant, party member, who does not belong according to the platform. A year ago, the resident with the nickname “Mountain” was recruited, who until the moment he was the team, was not approved by the Branch Presidency. This unapproved resident keeps in touch with 6 informants. Recruited on a patriotic basis, two B.P. (“Little Referee” and “Oak”) for whom there was material that they were developing hostile propaganda. Disa B.P. are retrieved in connection without decision according to the platform.
All of this shows that the platform has not been taken into account in all our daily work.
On the agency
Failure to detect in the proper degree of hostile activity in the district of Peshkopi, have their source in the poor work done by the Operational Workers with the agency. The following weaknesses are noted on the work with the agency:
- Due to the lack of study of the agency materials by the Operational Worker, as well as by the people in charge, recruitments have been made without principle and certain purposes, especially such recruitments can be found in the city of Peshkopi, which have increased the number of connections. Yes p. sh., in the Branch plan for Sector III is put to recruit 3 B.P. in the barber cooperative, without being at all needy. In the city of Peshkopi are counted 47 B.P. held in connection, plus 25 that Police have. The number is quite large and they do not have a definite direction. These numerous performances have weakened the work in concrete directions.
- There are cases of excessive trust in the agency by the Operational Workers. This has caused the control over the agency, the verification of its data, to be weak. Such a lack is very dangerous because it allows the introduction of enemy elements into the ranks of our agency and in the materials they provide, misinform our bodies. Effectively in the ranks of the Peshkopi district agency, B.P. suspicious and in hostile positions and that no active measures have been taken to clarify and decide on their position, such as e.g. B.P. “Besniku”, “Rubiku”, “Engjëllushi”, “Plepi”, “Shkencëtari” etc.
There are also B.P. deconspired who are still held in the agency network.
- The direction of the agency is done in general forms, which does not give the proper results in detecting the activity of the enemy.
Few but very damaging cases were also found, where the direction of B.P. is it done in such a way that objects are exposed to it without giving it to her?! So, it is with B.P. “Jadha e Madhe” and “Sazja”, who were given objects to process, without giving them to them.
The bad direction of the agency comes from the fact that:
Operational workers do not study the file materials and do not prepare in advance in meetings with the agency. That they are not properly controlled by those responsible. That meetings take place in places unsuitable for maintaining the conspiracy and not comfortable. Thus e.g. the head of Section III, meets with a B.P (clergyman) in a very dangerous place for deconstruction, where he forces B.P. to divert attention from such meetings, or when the Vice President of the Branch tells the Operational Worker of the Shupenza locality why he does not receive written reports B.P. in the meeting, ay replies, not to waste time in vain. I.e. does not consider that the meeting is the main issue of our work with the agency, that in the meeting they deal in detail with the tasks performed by B.P. and that she is given tasks for the future and is educated and controlled over her work. That the meeting grounds are few and this has negatively influenced the education of the agency.
- It was found that some of the important elaborations of the Branch and border detection, were set up from the end of 1958 and the beginning of 1959, have not been removed, this is due to the fact that the strong hand of those in charge was missing that part of the agency well following these elaborations is left in the hands of the operative P..
- Many plans of measures have remained unimplemented because on the one hand, formal issues have been raised and on the other hand where the tasks of the plan have been concrete, no systematic control has been exercised for their implementation, even characteristic that in one case a The Border Detection operative manages to break conscience by copying the plan date of 1959, 1960 to present himself in order. There is also a lack of close cooperation between the Operational Worker of the localities and those of the Border Detection, especially in the poor organization of the processing and their connections that belong to both plans, as well as in the non-effective use of the agency for the facilities. of each other when these relate to each other.
- In many ways the flaws and weaknesses emerge recurring from previous years. The combination of these weaknesses and shortcomings gives a clear picture where the operational agency situation in the district of Peshkopi is still weak. In our opinion, the basic organization of the Party has not played its role to the proper degree for the comprehensive strengthening of the work as well as for combating the weaknesses and shortcomings of the communists in the Bishopric Branch. It can even be said that she not only did not deal properly with the problems that belong to her, but also with issues that damage the secrecy of work, for example, the Bureau of the organization analyzes in detail the work of a local operational worker, here is to point out that the Party Committee has not focused on the work of the Branch and its grassroots organization. Regarding all these weaknesses and shortcomings, the main responsibility lies with Colonel Banushi, who has not been able to properly organize the work in the Branch and, has lacked systematic control over subordinates and many of the issues mentioned above have passed through the hands. his without being caught. Considering that Colonel Banush Goxhaj is not responding properly to the tasks of the time, although his efforts and sacrifices for work are very great, we think that he should leave Peshkopia and be replaced by another more capable colleague for work. agjenturore-operative./Memorie.al