By Halim Ramohito
The third part / Halim Ramohito, one of the remaining former generals from the group of soldiers who were arrested and exiled as the “coup group” of 1974, by Enver Hoxha. At the head of this group was Beqir Balluku, and behind him, the most honorable caste of soldiers of the time, among them General Ramohito, who, after participating in the ranks of the National Liberation Army, had served as a representative of Albania and as a military attaché in The Treaty of Warsaw’. A witness to the break with the Russians, Ramohito would later become a witness to the destruction of the Albanian army by the dictator Hoxha, who showed that during his stay in power, he did not want qualified people around, but only servile ones. Ramohito, calm and with the coldness given to him by the distance of time, took out and published his memoirs, without which perhaps the history of that time with the “putschist group” would not be complete, it might even be written crookedly or deformed …!
With a rare sincerity, he recounts his feelings during the infamous meeting of the PPSh Central Committee, where the military caste of the time, led by Beqir Balluku, were expelled from the party, then arrested and exiled for years. Even though he had to take off his jacket gradually, to work the land like a farmer in the long exile, even though he had to stop seeing his mother even in death, his biggest hostage, the “self-criticisms” that he had to, for the sake of the party. “Enveri killed us even with our own hands…!
However, even my acceptance of any baseless accusations of so-called guilt and mistakes that I and any of my friends might have made, have remained and will remain a nail in my heart until I die. I don’t want the earth to digest this great worry and I don’t forgive myself for this!”, – writes Ramohito, in the first part of his memoirs, “In the service of my Motherland”, published by “Grand-Prind”. Below is published a part from the chapter “My ordeal and that of the whole family in the years 1974 – 1990” and precisely the moment of the start of this ordeal, from the hall of the PPSh Central Committee.
Continues from last issue
In the meeting hall of the Central Committee of PPSH
And Hito Çako said: “I don’t consider myself a conspirator…”! If we compare the statements above, with those made during the trial for them, which were also published in the press (in case they are not censored), it seems as if Petriti and Hitua, even Beqiri, admit their guilt. But also from my experience and that of the “other enemies”, I am convinced that these statements of theirs are the result of numerous tortures, especially moral, carried out against them in the interrogator, for almost a year and without a break, day after day. Night. In those barbaric conditions, where you never turn a blind eye, they were able to make even wood and stone speak, and not poor people, made of flesh and bones…!
In this meeting, taking the pose of a perfect actor, among others, Enveri communicated to the participants a “sensational” event, according to him, which was met with frenetic applause. This news consisted of the fact that he himself had “saved his life” from Hito Çako’s attempt to eliminate him physically, as the latter had appointed his nephew, Lt. Col. Çobo Skenderi, as the pilot of his personal plane. “But I,” said Enveri, “never boarded this plane.”
It is true that Enver Hoxha was assigned a special plane for travel. Çobo Skenderi, the pilot of that plane, was one of the most skilled pilots of our Combat Aviation. In that period, he also served as commissar of the Rinas Combat Aviation regiment. For this second task, he also completed a several-month flight course, day and night, in the Far East of the former Soviet Union. Based on the strict, especially political rules, established some time ago, Çobua was approved to serve on this plane, by the decision of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the PPSh.
– Meeting with comrades of the Chinese Communist Party –
COMRADE JAO VAN JUAN: (Talks about the strengthening of friendship between the two countries, about the state of the international communist movement and the latest situation in China.)
– We thank you for the help you gave us in the fight against Lin Biao, Lin Shao Chi and Confucius, etc. The truth is that Lin Biao’s betrayal has created problems for us in military production. We are overcoming the consequences of his sabotage, in this respect.
COMRADE MEHMET SHEHU: – You continue to stand face to face with Soviet revisionism
COMRADE JAO VAN JUAN: – Our controversy with the Soviets continues unceasingly. It, says Comrade Mao Zedong, will continue for 8 thousand years and not a day less.
COMRADE MEHMET SHEHU: – We wish it to continue, 12 thousand years!
COMRADE JAO VAN JUAN: – Someone tried to mediate for the normalization of these relations, but we told him that, the more you mediate, the more these relations will be aggravated…!
COMRADE MEHMET SHEHU: – Even Lin Biao was an agent of the Soviets…!
COMRADE JAO VAN JUAN: – Lin Biao was a top agent of the Soviets, whom we shot down on the plane, when he was fleeing to the Soviet Union. We also took 5 Soviet agents, from whom we found the plan for the creation of subversive organizations in China…! We, on our part, prepare for war, make tunnels, arm the popular militia, etc.
COMRADE MEHMET SHEHU: – What was Lin Biao’s stance on the people’s militia?
COMRADE JAO VAN JUAN: – He was against her and looked down on her. He did not like the people’s war…
COMRADE MEHMET SHEHU: – Beqir Balluku held this attitude towards the popular self-defense forces, he suffered like Lin.
COMRADE JAO VAN JUAN: – Now, in China, the main thing is the fight against Lin Biao and Confucius, being guided by the teachings of Mao Zedong. Lin Biaua relied on the ideas of Confucius to suit the needs of any reactionary class. The fight against him is a continuation of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China. Now, on a national scale, the identification of people connected to Lin Biao and the coup has ended. Now, the main thing is study and criticism. We follow Mao’s guidelines: “Punish, to pass as a lesson for the future, fight the disease, to heal the sick”!
COMRADE MEHMET SHEHU: – Beqir Balluku, like Lin Biao, wanted to put the rifle on the party, liquidate the role of the party in the army, to stage a coup d’état. Beqir Balluku and his group tried to revise our military art and replace it with the revisionist one. With Beqir Balluku, there were also several members of the Central Committee who worked in the army, such as; Hito Çako, Petrit Dume, Sadik Bekteshi, Rrahman Parllaku and others, but the party showed them the place, as you did with Lin Biao’s group.
COMRADE JAO VAN JUAN: – So the class war has brought out these enemies. The strength of the Communist Party of China, during its activity, has crushed all deviant groups and, those who have come against Mao Zedong; we have mercilessly eliminated them…!
COMRADE MEHMET SHEHU: – Our Party has done the same. Since 1941, when it was established, there has been a war against 12 deviations within its leadership. The balance for the Party has been favorable. The 12 groups are:
1 – The anti-party activity of Anastas Lulos and Sadik Premtes;
2 – The opportunism of Ymer Dishnica and Mustafa Gjinishi;
3 – The second plenum of the Central Committee in Berat 1944 and the background of Koçi Xoxes, Liri Gega and Sejfulla Malëshova;
4 – The opportunism of Sejfulla Malëshova and the 5th Plenum of the Central Committee;
5 – The Trotskyist and Titian activities of Koçi Xoxes, Pandi Kristos, Kristo Themelkos, Xhorxhi Blushi, Nesti Karenxhi;
6 – The group of Abedin Shehu and Njazi Islami;
7 – The hostile activity of Tuk Jakov and Bedri Spahi;
8 – The Tirana Conference, behind which were the Titis agents: Liri Gega and Dali Ndreu;
9 – The defection of Panajot Plaku in 1957;
10 – The betrayal of Liri Belishova, Maqo Çomo and Koço Tashko in 1960, who were agents of Khrushchev’s revisionism;
11 – The opportunistic activity of Fadil Paçrami and Todi Lubonja;
12 – The coup of Beqir Balluku, Petrit Dumes, Hito Çakos and their group in the army, etc.
About 15 members of the Political Bureau and 40 members of the Central Committee of PPSh have been eliminated for hostile activities.
The next issue follows